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Monday, August 31, 2009
Health Education on Physical Fitness Blog
It is concerned with communicating on those areas that are related to water supply, sanitation, community health, mental health, disease control, personal hygiene, disaster management cycle, reducing the risk of communicable disease and its transmission, proper nutrition, alcohol and drugs, accident and first aid etc.
The Aim of Health Education should be -
1. Help students to assimilate the body if knowledge appropriate to health education.
2. Expose students to a variety of activities and experience related to health education.
3. Help individuals develop a sound understanding of their total development and enable them to attain positive self-images.
4. Provide opportunities for students make personal decisions related to their intellectual, physical and emotional development.
5. Allow students to experience social relations that will encourage desirable behaviour, leadership and co-operation with others.
Objectives of Physical Education -
For Students -
1. A positive attitude towards physical fitness and good health.
2. A personal value system and satisfactory relationship with peers.
3. increased self-awareness and a positive self concept.
4. independence, interdependence, and a sense of responsibility.
5. An understanding of human sexuality.
6. An understanding of appropriate factual information and concepts.
For Patients and Public -
1. To increase public awareness that disease are significant public health problem.
2. To increase public awareness of symptoms and signs of disease.
3. To improve the knowledge and attitudes of patients about detection, treatment and control of disease.
4. To promote the family and community educational material essential for positive lifestyle habits.
5. To create public awareness about the ill=effects of alcohol, smoking and drugs, etc.
For Health professionals -
1. To increase knowledge, attitude and skills of all health professionals regarding sign, symptoms and management strategies for health hazards to improve disease control.
2. To encourage health professionals to treat patients carefully.
3. To develop resource and material for use of health professionals.
4. To promote research all over the world to curb health hazards.
5. To encourage continuing educational programmes on accurate information on diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
Importance Of Men Health - Healthy Living, Male Infertility And Fitness Of Men
Skin Care: During teenage years, men develop their regular skin care, because the habit of always wish to be considered best to retain the facade and children as soon as possible. We may think that the product skin care and skin care for women only notion habits, but certainly is not true. In fact, many man's care products have skyrocketed in the market today. And like women, men can do many things to study your skin to some simple basic procedures of skin care.
Body: People make sport of body building for all kinds of reasons, but fitness is probably the biggest one of all. No doubt that those who take the time to focus on the muscles in their body and honing them to a chiseled state are probably the one suitable to most athletes. We can easily use the terms body building and fitness interchangeably with each other.
Weight Loss: Obesity continues to affect more and more people both directly and indirectly, to your body after producing less cholesterol H D L (good tools) and more L D L and triglycerides (both bad), raising your heart-risk attack.
Nutrition: Men prosper on the body of some nutrients that work together to promote growth and development. There is no nutrition or a specific group of nutrients is more important than it is a man’s health is good.
Hair loss: Hair loss is one common problem in all of us. All hairs are shed at the end of the cycle of their growth; therefore, some degree of hair loss is normal. If you have excessive hair loss, it makes sense of the first to understand the possible causes. There are many possible causes of hair loss, however most hair loss is normal, and part of each person's genetic program.
Male Infertility: Every 6 couples have 1 pair of the causes and derived from the husband makes up half. The most cause of Infertility in men can be identified as a very cold the vein. Age can also cause rare late. To allow for the same stay healthy, and he should your attention to a diet of, nutrition, exercise regularly and limit stress. A man not has relation with excitement as people lose weight with health. Up to 25% of men are problems in the way and this number can also higher because men do not say much about the status of your physical.
Male Impotence or Performance Score: low sperm count, Impotence, or erectile dysfunction, the inability to achieve a relation. If you are a male and worried about your relational performance, or if you feel that there is some deterioration in your performance, please take relation performance critical points.
See calories, good exercises and healthy food, treatment is absolutely essential. Besides, we also deal with issues of relation and other methods and safe treatment to deal with them, including relational Transmitted Diseases, low semen, Impotence, testicular pain, contraceptives and how to increase sperm count etc.
Centurions Episodes 2: Battle Beneath The Sea
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Preventing Hereditary Child Food Allergies
If one of your children is suffering from such allergic conditions and you are expecting a second child, you might well be concerned about preventing such tendencies in the yet to born. Good news for you is that there are ways to prevent such allergic tendencies that are turning out to be hereditary. Even if you may not completely cure it there are chances for you to prevent such tendencies in future. The first step in the right direction would be to find out whether you child is having some high risks. But how would you assess whether your child is running high risks? Some of the major risk factors that could develop food allergies are:
• Allergic disorders like eczema, high fever, or asthma that are results of such allergic tendencies.
• Such type of disorders prevalent among the family members.
• Having other type of allergies relating to food or formula.
Once you find out that your child is suffering with risks developing food allergies, the next step for you is to take preventive measures. The question for you again here would be what the preventive measures could be and how to implement them. American Academy of Pediatrics has come up with some pertinent suggestions in this regard that are as follows:
• Since breast feeding is the best feeding all mothers should make it a practice breast feeding the new born.
• No food supplements or solid foods other than breast feed should be used for the first six months after the birth of the child.
• With other foods, breast feeding should continue till the child is 12 months old.
• Food that creates allergic reactions in other children or members in the family should be avoided by the mother. At the same time during the nursing stage, eggs, cow milk, and fish should be avoided.
• Hypoalergenic formula like the Nutramigen or Alimentum may be used for supplementing the breast feeding.
• When the child is at least six months old, use of iron fortified rice cereals could be useful.
• The child should not be given milk or dairy products at least up to the age of 12 months.
• Eggs should not be given to child till such child is two years older.
• Avoid all allergy creating foods till the child is three years older.
One should not forget that there are multiple types of food that contains hidden components hiding the foods you might be avoiding. Muffin contains peanut flour and on the other hand margarine contains milk. Such food should also be in your "to be avoided" list.
Terry Ravary at
Article Source:
Sinusitis and Its Homeopathic Management
Individualistic attitude:
However, when you see different people individually, you will observe that each patient's symptoms differ from the other patient and almost everyone has some unique feature that characterizes him from the rest. For example, we often see some unique patients in the clinic that say their sinusitis and related symptoms are aggravated if they eat more sugars. Some complain that the symptoms are more only from sunrise to midday. Later they cease on their own. This is why homeopathy believes in individualization of patients and different treatment modules for different people.
Permanent cure with homeopathy:
If you observe and do a statistical study, you will find that even the patients who have been advised surgery for deviated nasal septum or nasal polyps do have recurring symptoms of allergies and sinusitis. Thus, these modes of treatment offer relatively temporary relief to these patients. As we know, the sinuses are air-sacs and when they are filled with sputum, one gets an attack of sinusitis. But the allergic reaction by the body to various allergens or exciting factors like excess cold or rains has to be modified by mild yet potent homeopathic remedies. Various bodily tendencies can be modified positively with aptly chosen homeopathic remedies that match the disease symptoms of the patient.
A combination of acute and constitutional medicine works efficiently:
Most patients have a grave myth about homeopathy that it is slow acting. But it is certainly not true and we have seen in our practice that even the strongest of sinusitis attack can be subdued with homeopathic medicines within a very short period of time. Also the constitutional medicines chosen on the basis of physical, mental, and emotional disposition of the patient helps him get cured of sinusitis permanently.
No doubt, homeopathy can be called as one of the all-encompassing mode of therapy for one and all!
Dr. Shreya is a well-known Homeopath of India and has her online clinic. For further details about her services and homeopathic system of medicine, please visit her site-
Article Source:
How To Improve The Health Of Your Colon And Bowel
Tom White is the owner of Budding Health. Budding Health are the UK, Australian and US distributors for Fiberblend and other natural colon cleansing, digestion and nutrition supplements from AIM International. Barleylife contains all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals of young barley leaves.
Rather than a one-off colon cleanse you may find more benefit from making colon cleansing a natural part of your day-to-day routine to stop the build up of toxins and improve digestive health. A colon cleanse should be completely natural and doesn’t need to involve time off work or expensive supplements to be effective. Concentrate on slow, lasting improvements rather than the short-term ‘fix’ promised by many colon cleansing products.
Start by making some small changes to your diet. It’s really important when colon cleansing to drink 8-10 glasses of filtered or bottled water everyday and cut out caffeine and soft drinks completely (if you are a heavy coffee drinker it maybe better to gradually reduce the number of cups you drink a day until you can stop without any problems). Drink herbal teas (such as nettle, fennel and peppermint ) instead, not only do herbal tea hydrate the body they also provide ‘detox’ benefits as well.
It is also vital to increase the amount of dietary fiber in your diet. Dietary fiber comes from fruit, vegetables and wholegrains. There are essentially two types of fiber – insoluble fiber and soluble fiber and it is important to have both sorts in your diet. Essentially fiber helps the colon by absorbing toxins and impacted matter from the colon as well as providing bulk to help to colon remove waste material effectively and quickly. Research shows that up to 75% of North Americans have a diet lacking in fiber and this has been shown to be a major cause of colon problems. Psyllium Husks can be taken to increase the amount of fiber in your diet. Psyllium Husks contain high levels of both soluble and insoluble fiber and are easily digested by the body.
Consume lots of healthy fresh fruit and vegetables and reduce the amount of white processed foods (such as bread, white pasta and white rice) you eat.
Ensure you get regular exercise as exercise encourages the organs to be active and kick starts the body to increase the rate at which toxins are expelled.
Start the day with a glass of warm water. Cold water first thing in the morning wakes your body up with a shock but warm water goes straight to the intestines and bowel and encourages a regular morning bowel movement.
If you have been experiencing digestive health problems for a while, have been unwell or have a poor diet you may want to consider taking a herbal supplement to aid the cleansing process.
If these small changes are made to your lifestyle not only will the health of your digestive system improve but you will have more energy, get fewer illnesses and become happier.
Lose Weight And Improve Your Health - How To Transform Your Life
In addition to his interest in weight loss, Dennis is also a huge walky talkie fan. Check out his blog at today.
Also, be sure to read his recent article on how to choose a walkie talkie headset.
The first thing that needed to go was my junk food diet. I ate all of the wrong foods and it was obvious. Fried foods, desserts that were high in fat and sugar -- it was all on the menu. When the day came to finally take my weight loss goals seriously, I went cold turkey and replaced all of the junk with foods that are high in protein and low in fat. Best thing I've ever done.
Next, I incorporated daily exercise into my lifestyle. Exercise is one of those things that's addicting, and you never know what you're missing out on until you begin doing it. There's no need to go crazy, and you certainly don't have to drop a fortune on a fancy gym membership -- start walking, jogging, and doing exercises like push ups, pull ups, and jumping jacks. You'll begin to see a difference quicker than you can imagine.
Lastly, it's important in my opinion to go all out. I never really had much luck with gradual changes, things happen for me when I draw a line in the sand and begin moving in a new direction from that point on. If you're trying to lose weight but still want to have dessert after dinner, it's time to get honest with yourself and get serious. I truly believe that you won't ever experience your full potential unless you dedicate yourself 100% to your goals.
Hopefully this short article has given you some useful tips that will prove to be helpful in your weight loss journey. Losing weight isn't as difficult as it's made out to be, it simply requires a serious commitment.
National Women's Health Information:
For additional benefits you will get about national women's health information, testimonials and the reason why people need to know more about women's health, just click the links on women's health issues.
You can find a heaps of national women's health information in lots of websites which deal with national women's health. It is very important for you to get fair information with regard to women's health issues and the latest breakthroughs in fitness, alternative medicine and nutrition. Opportunely, you can find it all at the National Women's Health Information Center. Even women can get some motivational guidance to help them reach their goals.
You can also find national women's health information particular weekly newsletters. There are some health and fitness newsletters which discuss such topics like alternative medicines. They also show how such alternative solutions can be good for the mind, body as well as soul.
Women commonly believe in myths with regard to some form of alternative medicine. Many of the facts relate to those myths will be cleared by finding the national women's health information. One can also go to some websites where more information is available on a specific subject. The information provided in most of the newsletters is given by specialists like doctors and psychologists, and can be useful to all readers.
Common Topics
Try to look at some of topics that are commonly found in national women's health information. Fat loss as well as cholesterol reduction is a common subject and women want to know about new techniques in doing it. Otherwise there is a trend of using natural supplements and herbs against disease as well as for good health. Women do the shopping and the cooking in a household, so they must keep themselves informed with regard to the nutritional values of natural supplements, so that they can combine them in the daily diet of the family.
What You Should Avoid
On the National Women's Health Information Center forum, there are also discussions about all that is unsafe. The harm that is caused by fast food as well as beverages, or some prescription drugs is reiterated, so that they can be avoided. A clinical psychologist is often available to give advice to women with regard to aging process, menopause or arthritis. Numerous national women's health information is also available from books, and they are recommended on several websites of the centers related to national women's health.
Most people’s life moves at a hectic pace and often nutritious eating as well as regular physical activity gives something an overlook. However, by reading national women's health information, women will know more about the nutrition that they requires and what they should avoid. Thus they can lead a healthy life and inculcate healthy habits and they also will have lower risk for diseases like heart diseases, diabetes, asthma as well as even cancer.
Are you still at sea of knowing more about national women's health information? Just look around and click the links your best answer herein!
Better Health And Fitness With Aerobic Exercise
Kevin Phillips has written and published numerous articles. You can find more information and resources on Health & Fitness at: he also has a Acne information and resources Site at: You can also post your articles on his Free Directory at -
Aerobic exercise is not only done by youngsters. It is quite a famous way of warming up before moving onto more strenuous types of exercises. Patients with heart problems and ones who suffer from arthritis can be seen carrying out some kind of aerobic exercise routine as its proven to be good for their health.
What do you think goes on inside your body when you are involved in aerobic exercise? When you exercise and warm up your body, the heart rate will increase. As you increase your pace, the blood in your body will flow faster into your muscles, flowing back to the lungs. This process helps in increasing the oxygen level in your muscles, as well as the heart and blood vessels, whilst giving back the energy you need.
Do you want to live a longer life? Do you want to keep fit, especially as you pass your 30’s? The answer would be a definite yes. Aerobic exercise gives you all that and more. If you involve yourself in some kind of aerobic exercise each day, the chance of living a healthier life is high. Why not combine an activity you like, such as dancing with a good aerobic exercise workout and achieve synergistic results?
Some people tend to dread the beginning of an aerobic exercise workout. Beginnings are always scary. But the best part about the whole workout is that you can do it even while watching your favourite TV program. This way, you won’t end up missing your favourite program. You’d also be able to give your body a good workout. Now isn’t that fantastic?
The type of aerobic exercise you choose will determine which part of the body gets the best workout. A relaxed state of mind, a happier mood and the strengthening of the heart muscle are a few benefits that one could reap by getting a good workout.
Better health and fitness is guaranteed with regular aerobic exercise. If you are unsure about this type of exercise it is better to consult your Doctor first.
Health Benefits Of Coffee
I am a coffee drinker and I am paid when I drink my healthier
coffee. Let me show you how you too can drink healthier coffee and get paid
while doing so.">
Another benefit of coffee is caffeine which can perk you up to face a long work day. However, it is recommended you don't exceed more than 500mg of caffeine per day. This is a fantastic way to wake up in the morning, with the use of a delicious cup of Joe. Java is also best enjoyed prior to a workout since it has been known to expand performance, and it also can obstruct certain chemicals that cause extreme muscle soreness, so that you can work out more effectively. The most important thing that most people use their Java for is to wake up to tackle the day, and it actually does work to wake up your muscles specifically. When you're sleeping, your muscles are dormant since you are dreaming, and caffeine in coffee can immediately wake up the muscles in your body to get you going for the day, as well as for working out.
An additional fantastic Java benefit for both weight moderation and workouts is that caffeine will suppress your need to eat to keep you from overindulging. This is a clear-cut way to maintain your weight, especially since Java will also boost your metabolism when you drink it sporadically throughout the day. Another health benefit of coffee is that it will keep you regular by stimulating bowel movement and promoting regular digestive health. Caffeine in coffee has also been blamed for being a diuretic, but that can actually be useful when drinking your Java in the morning because it will flush the toxins from your kidneys. This is an all-natural way to detox particular areas of your body through a delicious cup of Joe. Studies have also shown that you can count your coffee beverage in your daily fluid intake because it is not influencing dehydration levels as much as we think it could be.
Taking all of these fantastic factors into consideration, it is wonderful to know that your Java does so much more for your health than you ever realized. It provides you with all of these little benefits that are part of your every day wellness and function, not to point out getting you prepared to face your day! Fill me up one more cup...
Points to remember while choosing health insurance cover
It is indeed a fact that medical and preventive sciences have made rapid advancements in today's world. Nonetheless, it would be prudent to arm yourself with the best individual health insurance cover to protect yourself against any unforeseen illness. Indeed, America's best health insurance companies are vying with one another in putting together some of the most imaginative individual health insurance policies designed to overcome any medical contingency. If you are unemployed, or self-employed, an individual health insurance policy is the right choice.
Consult with your insurance company if you can have your individual health insurance policy incorporated in its group policy. You may be paying a higher rate but the terms would be more advantageous than if you had to buy your own individual health insurance policy. If you are married, find out if your spouse's employer is willing to include you in its group policy. If you are left with no option, then it is wise to buy an individual health insurance policy. Even though the insurance cover may be limited and the rates high, you would still be ensuring protection for yourself or your family against financial problems if you are suddenly confronted with a serious illness or medical emergency. Search for a good health insurance professional to help you with the best individual health insurance policy that offers you good value for money.
You have plenty of choices while selecting individual health insurance plans - The PPO Plan or the Preferred Provider Organization, the HMO Plan or the Health Maintenance Organization, the HDHP or the High Deductible Health Insurance and HAS or the Health Savings Accounts Qualified High Deductible Plan.
When considering individual health insurance plans a worthwhile option may be a health savings account plan which has few unique benefits. With individual health insurance plans, you can trade lower deductible health insurance for a plan that has a higher deductible. This will help you save money each month by lowering your premium. Besides the lower cost, higher deductible health savings account plan also has the added benefit of a tax favored savings account. Yet another interesting aspect of these individual health insurance plans is that the money you save rolls over year after year.
Even if you are already covered by your employer's insurance scheme, you may still need to get additional coverage through an individual health insurance plan. This becomes necessary because employer-sponsored programs often fall short of individual needs. Extensive coverage for self and family can be achieved through a separate individual health insurance plan.
Individual health insurance plans are of two types: - Indemnity plans - Managed care plans. Indemnity plans are costlier but best suited for those who have particular health issues and need to be treated by specific doctors. Managed care plans cost less because you will be visiting a doctor or a hospital that is provided under the plan. If the treatment requires you to visit a specialist, you will need special permission from the insurance service provider. This plan is best suited for individuals without specific health problems, and wanting to pay less.. If you have to choose a new physician from the health care plan then do a little bit of research work by calling the medical office she works for or checking with the AMA. Other factors like location and availability have to be considered while choosing a doctor.
Sometimes in life you may need a specialist for specific medical conditions you need to find out how you will be able to use a specialist. Find out do you have to contact your primary care physician first or find out if the current specialist you use is an in-network doctor. While choosing a health care plan many forget to confirm that their pre-existing condition will be covered. Pre-existing conditions can vary between plans from being excluded to being covered fully and sometimes somewhere in-between like being covered after a specific amount of time. Find out what type of emergency rooms and hospitals are covered on your plan. Also find out if you have to contact your primary care physician first before getting emergency care. Most of the managed care plans do provide regular physicals and health screenings yearly, but some independent insurance plans do not cover them at all. If you’re using a prescription drug on a regular basis or you may need in the future, then choose a plan that has good prescription drug coverage. This coverage type can vary enormously from plan to plan. If you’re visiting a gynecologist regularly, find out if your doctor is covered in the plan. Find out what additional benefits do the plan offers when comparing health plans like drug and alcohol rehabilitation, mental health care, counseling, home health care etc. After finding what you want in your health care plan you have to compare costs. Find out your deductibles, co-payment details etc. Co-payments are the fees you need to pay when visiting your doctor, hospital or emergency room. Do know your limits. Some plans have lifetime limits on how much the health care plan will pay and some have lifetime limits along with yearly limits. The last thing is the exclusions list. You will want to review each plan’s exclusions list to find out what is not covered and to see if any condition you currently have or expect to have in the future, is included on that list.
How Tampa Health Plans Are Affected By Health Care Reform
David Tang
By Elliot Bigman. Serving central and west coast Florida, Bay Marketing, a licensed independent contractor with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, has been providing Lakeland health insurance, Ft. Myers, Sarasota health insurance and Tampa health plans for individuals and employers during the last
twenty years.
In an effort to combat what the Obama administration considers to be misinformation about the issue of health care reform, the White House has launched a Health Insurance Reform Reality Check Web site, which features Obama aides discussing aspects of health care reform. Those who back the health care overhaul believe that such a change is necessary to ensure that virtually all Americans have access to health insurance and that there will be long-term economic stability in our country. Because of stalwart opposition, however, congressional action on health care reform has slowed considerably.
There are a number of special interest groups that are using the aforementioned scare tactics and myths to deter people from supporting health care reform. President Obama has guaranteed that a health care overhaul wouldn't force people like us to surrender the Tampa, Sarasota or Lakeland health insurance plans we are satisfied with and wouldn't cut Medicare benefits. At the same time, Obama defended his call for a government-funded public health insurance option to compete against private insurers, indicating that Americans who liked their private plans could keep them, but they would have the option to sign up for the government plan. He said such an option would keep costs down, but wouldn't amount to a government health care takeover because private insurance companies wouldn't be able to compete with a government-funded plan. Obama gave the example of Fed-Ex, UPS and the Postal Service. He said that Fed-Ex and UPS are doing just fine, USPS is the one that's always having problems.
The general basis for the opposition is that health care reform will inevitably lead to a government takeover of the entire health care system and prove too costly to sustain. As Sarasota, Tampa and Lakeland health insurance customers, we can do our part by learning the facts and not contributing to false rumors that keep any kind of reform from progressing. Remember that despite what changes may take place in the health care system in the coming years, you can rest assured in knowing that your Sarasota, Lakeland and Tampa health plans are safe and not going anywhere.
The Effects Of Health Care Reform On North Carolina Health Insurance Customers
Elliot Bigman is an insurance agent with Direct Marketing Assoc., an award winning BCBSNC insurance agency
serving NC. has been providing health insurance plan information for individuals and employers during for over
twenty years. Call Elliot at Direct Marketing Associates at 800-226-0092 or visit for
Blue Cross NC rates and information.
There are a number of special interest groups that are using the aforementioned scare tactics and myths to deter people from supporting health care reform. President Obama has guaranteed that a health care overhaul wouldn't force people like us to surrender the North Carolina health insurance plans we are satisfied with and wouldn't cut Medicare benefits. At the same time, Obama defended his call for a government-funded public health insurance option to compete against private insurers, indicating that Americans who liked their private plans could keep them, but they would have the option to sign up for the government plan. He said such an option would keep costs down, but wouldn't amount to a government health care takeover because private insurance companies wouldn't be able to compete with a government-funded plan. Obama gave the example of Fed-Ex, UPS and the Postal Service. He said that Fed-Ex and UPS are doing just fine, USPS is the one that's always having problems.
In an effort to combat what the Obama administration considers to be misinformation about the issue of health care reform, the White House has launched a Health Insurance Reform Reality Check Web site, which features Obama aides discussing aspects of health care reform. Those who back the health care overhaul believe that such a change is necessary to ensure that virtually all Americans have access to health insurance and that there will be long-term economic stability in our country. Because of stalwart opposition, however, congressional action on health care reform has slowed considerably.
The general basis for the opposition is that health care reform will inevitably lead to a government takeover of the entire health care system and prove too costly to sustain. As North Carolina health insurance customers, we can do our part by learning the facts and not contributing to false rumors that keep any kind of reform from progressing. Remember that despite what changes may take place in the health care system in the coming years, you can rest assured in knowing that your North Carolina health plans are safe and not going anywhere.
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Uterine fibroids are benign (not cancer) growths in the uterus. They are the most common type of growth found in a woman’s pelvis. In some women, fibroids remain small and do not cause symptoms or problems. However, in some women, fibroids can cause problems because of their size, number, and location.
Types of Fibroids
Uterine fibroids are growths that develop from the muscle tissue of the uterus. They also are called leiomyomas or myomas.
The size, shape, and location of fibroids can vary greatly. They may be present inside the uterus, on its outer surface or within its wall, or attached to it by a stem-like structure.
Fibroids can range in size from small, pea-sized growths to large, round ones that may be more than 5–6 inches wide. As they grow, they can distort the inside as well as the outside of the uterus. Sometimes fibroids grow large enough to completely fill the pelvis or abdomen.
A woman may have only one fibroid or many of varying sizes. Whether fibroids will occur singly or in groups is hard to predict. They may remain very small for a long time, suddenly grow rapidly, or grow slowly over a number of years.
Fibroids are most common in women aged 30–40 years, but they can occur at any age. Fibroids occur more often in African American women than in white women. They also seem to occur at a younger age and grow more quickly in African American women.
It is not clear what causes fibroids. Some research suggests that they develop from misplaced cells present in the body before birth. The female hormones estrogen and progesterone appear to be involved in their growth. Levels of these hormones can increase or decrease throughout a woman’s life. For instance, menopause causes a decrease in estrogen. Fibroids often shrink when a woman enters menopause. Hormonal drugs that contain estrogen, such as birth control pills, may cause fibroids to grow.
Fibroids may cause the following symptoms:
Changes in menstruation
Longer, more frequent, or heavy menstrual periods
Menstrual pain (cramps)
Vaginal bleeding at times other than menstruation
Anemia (from blood loss)
In the abdomen or lower back (often dull, heavy and aching, but may be sharp)
During sex
Difficulty urinating or frequent urination
Constipation, rectal pain, or difficult bowel movements
Abdominal cramps
Enlarged uterus and abdomen
These symptoms also may be signs of other problems. Therefore, you should see your doctor if you have any of these symptoms.
Fibroids also may cause no symptoms at all. Fibroids may be found during a routine pelvic exam or during tests for other problems.
Although most fibroids do not cause problems, there can be complications. Fibroids that are attached to the uterus by a stem may twist and can cause pain, nausea, or fever. Fibroids that grow rapidly, or those that start breaking down, also may cause pain. Rarely, they can be associated with cancer.
A very large fibroid may cause swelling of the abdomen. This swelling can make it hard to do a thorough pelvic exam.
Fibroids also may cause infertility, although other causes are more common. Other factors should be explored before fibroids are considered the cause of a couple’s infertility. When fibroids are thought to be a cause, many women are able to become pregnant after they are treated.
The first signs of fibroids may be detected during a routine pelvic exam. A number of tests may show more information about fibroids:
Ultrasonography uses sound waves to create a picture of the uterus and other pelvic organs.
Hysteroscopy uses a slender device (the hysteroscope) to see the inside of the uterus. It is inserted through the vagina and cervix (opening of the uterus). This permits the doctor to see fibroids inside the uterine cavity.
Hysterosalpingography is a special X-ray test. It may detect abnormal changes in the size and shape of the uterus and fallopian tubes.
Sonohysterography is a test in which fluid is put into the uterus through the cervix. Ultrasonography is then used to show the inside of the uterus. The fluid provides a clear picture of the uterine lining.
Laparoscopy uses a slender device (the laparoscope) to help the doctor see the inside of the abdomen. It is inserted through a small cut just below or through the navel. The doctor can see fibroids on the outside of the uterus with the laparoscope.
Imaging tests, such as magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography scans, may be used but are rarely needed. Some of these tests may be used to track the growth of fibroids over time.
Fibroids that do not cause symptoms, are small, or occur in a woman who is nearing menopause often do not require treatment. Certain signs and symptoms may signal the need for treatment:
Heavy or painful menstrual periods that cause anemia or that disrupt a woman’s normal activities
Bleeding between periods
Uncertainty whether the growth is a fibroid or another type of tumor, such as an ovarian tumor
Rapid increase in growth of the fibroid
Pelvic pain
There are many treatment options for fibroids. The choice of treatment depends on factors such as your own wishes and your doctor’s medical advice about the size and location of the fibroids.
Drug therapy is an option for some women with fibroids. Medications may reduce the heavy bleeding and painful periods that fibroids sometimes cause. But, they may not prevent the growth of fibroids. Surgery often is needed later. Drug treatment for fibroids includes the following options:
Birth control pills and other types of hormonal birth control methods. These drugs often are used to control heavy bleeding and painful periods. A drawback is that this treatment may cause the fibroids to increase slightly in size. For some women, the benefits of hormonal contraception outweigh the risk of this side effect.
Gonadotropin–releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists. These drugs stop the menstrual cycle and can shrink fibroids. They sometimes are used before surgery to reduce the risk of bleeding. GnRH agonists have many side effects, including bone loss, osteoporosis, vaginal dryness, and night sweats. For these reasons, they are used only for short periods (less than 6 months). After a woman stops taking a GnRH agonist, her fibroids usually return to their previous size.
Progestin–releasing intrauterine device. This option is for women with fibroids that do not distort the inside of the uterus. It reduces heavy and painful bleeding but does not treat the fibroids themselves.
In addition to these drugs, many others are being studied for the treatment of fibroids.
Myomectomy is the surgical removal of fibroids while leaving the uterus in place. Because a woman keeps her uterus, she may still be able to have children. If a woman does become pregnant after a myomectomy, the baby may need to be delivered by cesarean birth. Sometimes, though, a myomectomy causes internal scarring that can lead to infertility.
Fibroids do not regrow after surgery, but new fibroids may develop. If they do, more surgery may be needed.
Myomectomy may be done in a number of ways:
A surgical procedure in which an incision is made in the abdomen.
A surgical procedure in which a slender, light-transmitting telescope, the laparoscope, is used to view the pelvic organs or perform surgery.
A surgical procedure in which a slender, light-transmitting telescope, the hysteroscope, is used to view the inside of the uterus or perform surgery.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Bipolar disorder
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What is bipolar disorder?
Bipolar disorder is an illness that causes extreme mood changes from manic episodes of very high energy to the extreme lows of depression. It is also called manic-depressive disorder.
This illness can cause behavior so extreme that you cannot function at work, in family or social situations, or in relationships with others. Some people with bipolar disorder become suicidal.
Having this disorder can make you feel helpless and hopeless. But you are not alone. Talking with others who suffer from it may help you learn that there is hope for a better life. And treatment can help you get back in control.
Family members often feel helpless when a loved one is depressed or manic. If your loved one has bipolar disorder, you may want to get counseling for yourself. Therapy can also help a child who has a bipolar parent.
What causes bipolar disorder?
The cause of bipolar disorder is not completely understood. We know that it runs in families. It may also be affected by your living environment or family situation. One possible cause is an imbalance of chemicals in the brain.
What are the symptoms?
The symptoms depend on your mood swings. In a manic episode, you may feel very happy, energetic, or on edge. You may feel like you need very little sleep. You may feel overly self-confident. Some people spend a lot of money or get involved in dangerous activities when they are manic.
After a manic episode, you may return to normal, or your mood may swing in the opposite direction to feelings of sadness, depression, and hopelessness. When you are depressed, you may have trouble thinking and making decisions. You may have memory problems. You may lose interest in things you have enjoyed in the past. You may also have thoughts about killing yourself.
The mood swings of bipolar disorder can be mild or extreme. They may come on slowly over several days or weeks or suddenly over a few minutes or hours. The mood swings may last for a few hours or for several months.
How is bipolar disorder diagnosed?
Bipolar disorder is hard to diagnose. There are no lab tests for it. Instead, your doctor or therapist will ask detailed questions about what kind of symptoms you have and how long they last. To be diagnosed with bipolar I disorder, you must have had a manic episode lasting at least a week (less if you had to be hospitalized). During this time, you must have had three or more symptoms of mania, such as needing less sleep, being more talkative, behaving wildly or irresponsibly in activities that could have serious outcomes, or feeling as if your thoughts are racing. In bipolar II disorder, the manic episode may be less severe and shorter.
Your urine and blood may be tested to rule out other problems that could be causing your symptoms.
How is it treated?
The sooner bipolar disorder is identified and treated, the better your chances of getting it under control. One of the most important parts of dealing with a manic episode is recognizing the early warning signs so that you can start treatment early with medicine that is especially for manic phases.
A variety of medicines is used to treat bipolar disorder. You may need to try several before you find the right combination that works for you.
Most people with bipolar disorder need to take a medicine called a mood stabilizer every day.
Medicines called antipsychotics can help get a manic phase under control.
Antidepressants are used carefully for episodes of depression, because they cause some people to move into a manic phase.
People often have to try several different medicines before finding what works for them. Regular checkups are important so that your doctor can tell if your treatment is working.
Counseling for you and your family is also an important treatment. It can help you cope with some of the work and relationship issues that your illness may cause.
Charting your mood is one way you can start to see your patterns and symptoms. Keep a notebook of your feelings and what brought them on. If you learn what triggers your mood swings, you may be able to avoid them sometimes.
People often stop taking their medicines during a manic phase because they feel good. But this is a mistake. You must take your medicines regularly, even if you are feeling better.
Who is affected by bipolar disorder?
Over 3 million Americans—about 1% of the population, or 1 in every 100 people—have bipolar disorder, with similar rates in other countries.1 Bipolar disorder occurs equally among males and females. It often begins between the ages of 15 and 24.
Bipolar disorder cannot be prevented, but often the mood swings can be controlled with medicines.
About 1 in 3 people will remain completely free of symptoms of bipolar disorder by taking mood stabilizer medicine, such as carbamazepine or lithium, for life.
To help prevent a depressive or manic mood episode, you can:
Eat a balanced diet.
Exercise daily.
Avoid extensive travel into other time zones.
Get approximately the same number of hours of sleep every night.
Avoid alcohol and illegal drugs.
Reduce stress at work and at home.
Limit caffeine and nicotine during manic episodes.
Seek treatment as soon as you notice symptoms of a depressive or manic episode coming on.
Changes in your sleep patterns can sometimes trigger a manic or depressive episode. If you plan extensive travel into other time zones, you may want to call your doctor before you leave. Find out from your doctor if you should make any changes in your medicines and what to do if you have a manic or depressive episode while you are away.
Nasal polyps

What are nasal polyps?
Nasal polyps are soft, non-cancerous growths that develop in the lining of the nose or sinuses. They result from chronic inflammation in the lining. What triggers the inflammation is not always clear. Nasal polyps can affect anyone, they are more common in adults older than 40 and in adults and children with conditions such as asthma, chronic sinus infections (chronic sinusitis), hay fever (chronic rhinitis) and cystic fibrosis — a serious, inherited disorder that causes respiratory, digestive and reproductive problems.
What are the causes?
Nasal polyps are not a disease. They are the end product of the ongoing inflammation that may result from viral or bacterial infections, from allergies or from an immune system response to fungus. Chronic inflammation causes the blood vessels in the lining of the nose and sinuses to become more permeable, allowing water to accumulate in the cells. Over time, as gravity pulls on these waterlogged tissues, they may develop into polyps.
What are the symptoms?
A person suffering from nasal polyps may feel difficulty in breathing; there is constant dripping from the nose and loss of one’s sense of smell. A person may have just one nasal polyp or have several, clustered together like grapes on a stem. Single or multiple polyps, which are very small in size, may not cause any problem, but larger ones are likely to obstruct the airways in the nose, making it difficult to breathe.
Other signs and symptoms include:
Running nose
Persistent stuffiness
Chronic sinus infections
Loss or reduced sense of smell
Dull headaches
Nasal polypsis is a disease affecting the adults. When children below 10 are affected, cystic fibrosis needs to be ruled out.
Small polyps cause no symptoms at all.
Larger ones can cause obstruction in the air passages of the nose causing stuffiness or blocked sensation.
Partial or total loss of sense of smell.
When they obstruct the discharge from the sinus openings, polyps lead to chronic sinusitis.
Sneezing and watery nasal discharge due to associated allergies.
Post nasal drip.
Mass protruding in the nostril.
Large polyps can cause difficulty in breathing while lying down, causing the patient to breathe from the mouth. Patients with very severe polyposis may also present with obstructive sleep apnea.
Asthma and aspirin sensitivity may be present in patients with ethmoidal polyps.
Unilateral nasal obstruction may be present in patients with an antrochoanal polyp.
Headache, snoring and a permanent runny nose, facial pain, hyponasal voice and cough.
What is the diagnosis?
The doctor examines the patient’s nasal passages. A computerized tomography (CT) scan will be done to help determine the size and exact location of the polyps, including any polyps in the sinuses.
For a young child, the doctor might suggest a test for cystic fibrosis, an inherited condition affecting the glands that produce mucus, tears, sweat, saliva and digestive juices. Children who have both nasal polyps and hay fever may have allergy skin tests, which can provide important information about allergic sensitivities.
What is the treatment?
Inhaled or oral steroid medications are the most common treatment for small nasal polyps. Surgery might be required to remove larger polyps. Although this eliminates symptoms, polyps frequently return, requiring further operations. For one or more small polyps, corticosteroid nasal sprays are prescribed. These medications relieve inflammation, increase nasal airflow and may help shrink polyps. Although they cause fewer side effects than oral steroids, long-term use can lead to nasal bleeding or perforation of the septum and an increased risk of glaucoma. Nasal corticosteroids may also reduce growth rates by as much as one-half inch in some children.
Other treatments for nasal polyps include:
Oral corticosteroids: An oral corticosteroid pill can be taken either alone or in combination with a nasal spray.
Other medications: Medications to control allergies or infection may also be prescribed. Antihistamines, for instance, counteract histamine, an inflammatory substance released when the immune system encounters an allergen. The doctor may also prescribe antibiotics for an acute sinus infection.
Surgery: Polyps can be removed surgically. This is often the only option for people with cystic fibrosis who usually don't respond to steroids. The type of operation depends on the size, number and location of the polyps. Small or isolated polyps can often be completely removed using a small mechanical suction device. The procedure, called a polypectomy, is performed on an outpatient basis.
Endoscopic sinus surgery: It is a more extensive procedure that not only removes polyps, but also opens the part of the sinus cavity where polyps usually form. The surgeon uses a thin, rigid tube and a camera called a video endoscope. In this surgery the polyps may heal more quickly with less discomfort than with other types of surgery. Full recovery may take several weeks, and polyps may return. This surgery carries serious potential risks, including leakage of cerebrospinal fluid, injury to the optic nerve or eye muscles, and haemorrhage.
Home Remedies for Nasal Polyps
To help decongest a stuffy nose and keep the mucous membranes from swelling and forming polyps, try hot baths or showers.
Try steam inhalations : Run very hot hoter in a sink until steam builds up. With the water running, lean over the sink, and drape a towel over your head to trap the steam. Breathe deeply through your mouth and nose for 5 to 10 minutes. Repeat several times a day.
Heat a pan . Keep a towel on the dry pan. When the towel is as hot as you can bear, keep the towel on your nose , sides of the nose and head. It gives you instant relief.
Allopathic mode of treatment
The treatment comprises of antibiotics to control local infection, decongestants and steroids.
Conservative treatment can be given in the form of oral or topical steroids, antihistaminics and decongestants. Though these are not curative but only control the situation. Cases refractory to conservative treatment are dealt with surgically by performing functional endoscopic sinus therapy.
The ethmoidal polypoid disease is essentially an allergic condition. Eary polyposis may respond to medical treatment, but well established polyposis will require surgical treatment. Recurrences are common even after surgical removal of the polyp as the underlying cause is nasal allergy.
Allopathic treatment gives only immediate symptomatic relief and when this fails to control significant symptoms with repeated or prolonged courses of steroid and antibiotic therapy, or when total nasal obstruction occurs, the allopathic doctor refers the patient to surgery.
Since allergy is often the root cause, high recurrence rate remains a feature of allergic nasal polyposis. Other causes of failure of surgery include inadequate surgery, aggressive nature of polyps, predisposing local factors or improper post operative care.
Nasal polyps is a recurrent disease that may be very frustrating to both the patient and the doctor.
How does homeopathy helps in treating nasal polyps
Homeopathic treatment for those who suffer from nasal polyps can be a big boom. It can help them save from the surgeon's knife. Not only does it slowly and steadily shrinks the nasal polyps, it also helps in stopping their recurrences by treating the underlying causes such as allergies, asthma and chronic cold.
Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine. This means that homeopathy treats the body as a whole. Detailed mental and physical symptoms of the whole being are taken into consideration while prescribing. This form of homeopathic treatment is called as constitutional treatment.
In cases where the nasal polyps are due to deep seated chronic disorder like asthma or allergies this constitutional treatment is usually taken up by the homeopathic doctor.
Timely administered homeopathic medicines help avoid surgery and its inherent complications. Moreover, it is very common for the condition to recur even after surgery. Homeopathy is therefore highly recommended for people who have had surgery done to remove nasal polyps as homeopathic treatment would have a preventive effect, by which chance of recurrence is minimized.
In short homeopathic treatment is targeted towards the root cause of the illness and hence the disease is treated from the core. Homeopathy believes in treating the patient and not just the disease.
There are 70 homoeopathic remedies which give great relief in nasal polyps. However, the correct choice and the resulting relief is a matter of experience and right judgment on the part of the homeopathic doctor. The treatment is decided after thorough case taking of the patient. Thus homeopathic medicines of nasal polyps are tailor made unlike allopathy in which all patients receive the same drugs although trade name may be different.
For total cure the homeopathic treatment must be taken seriously for about 16 to 24 months depending upon the number and size of nasal polyps.
For online homeopathic treatment of nasal polyps, you may fill in the consultation form at Allopathic mode of treatment
The treatment comprises of antibiotics to control local infection, decongestants and steroids.
Conservative treatment can be given in the form of oral or topical steroids, antihistaminics and decongestants. Though these are not curative but only control the situation. Cases refractory to conservative treatment are dealt with surgically by performing functional endoscopic sinus therapy.
The ethmoidal polypoid disease is essentially an allergic condition. Eary polyposis may respond to medical treatment, but well established polyposis will require surgical treatment. Recurrences are common even after surgical removal of the polyp as the underlying cause is nasal allergy.
Allopathic treatment gives only immediate symptomatic relief and when this fails to control significant symptoms with repeated or prolonged courses of steroid and antibiotic therapy, or when total nasal obstruction occurs, the allopathic doctor refers the patient to surgery.
Since allergy is often the root cause, high recurrence rate remains a feature of allergic nasal polyposis. Other causes of failure of surgery include inadequate surgery, aggressive nature of polyps, predisposing local factors or improper post operative care.
Nasal polyps is a recurrent disease that may be very frustrating to both the patient and the doctor.
How does homeopathy helps in treating nasal polyps?
Homeopathic treatment for those who suffer from nasal polyps can be a big boom. It can help them save from the surgeon's knife. Not only does it slowly and steadily shrinks the nasal polyps, it also helps in stopping their recurrences by treating the underlying causes such as allergies, asthma and chronic cold.
Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine. This means that homeopathy treats the body as a whole. Detailed mental and physical symptoms of the whole being are taken into consideration while prescribing. This form of homeopathic treatment is called as constitutional treatment.
In cases where the nasal polyps are due to deep seated chronic disorder like asthma or allergies this constitutional treatment is usually taken up by the homeopathic doctor.
Timely administered homeopathic medicines help avoid surgery and its inherent complications. Moreover, it is very common for the condition to recur even after surgery. Homeopathy is therefore highly recommended for people who have had surgery done to remove nasal polyps as homeopathic treatment would have a preventive effect, by which chance of recurrence is minimized.
In short homeopathic treatment is targeted towards the root cause of the illness and hence the disease is treated from the core. Homeopathy believes in treating the patient and not just the disease.
There are 70 homoeopathic remedies which give great relief in nasal polyps. However, the correct choice and the resulting relief is a matter of experience and right judgment on the part of the homeopathic doctor. The treatment is decided after thorough case taking of the patient. Thus homeopathic medicines of nasal polyps are tailor made unlike allopathy in which all patients receive the same drugs although trade name may be different.
For total cure the homeopathic treatment must be taken seriously for about 16 to 24 months depending upon the number and size of nasal polyps.
For online homeopathic treatment of nasal polyps, you may fill in the consultation form at
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Asthma is a disease of the airways of the lungs which is characterized by increased sensitivity of the airways to a variety of triggers. It is generally an episodic disease, i.e., acute attacks followed by symptom free periods. Though most attacks are generally short lived, sometimes serious conditions occur in which severe Asthma is unrelieved for many hours or even days, like in status asthmaticus.
Who is affected?
It occurs in all age groups, but is found to be more common in children. It tends to affect both sexes equally.
Types of Asthma: There are two types of Asthma--- Allergic and Idiosyncratic. Allergic Asthma: This type is often associated with personal or family history of other types of allergic diseases like hay fever, rhinitis, eczema etc.
The offending agents causing Asthma:
Environment and air pollution.
Certain drugs like Aspirin.
Occupational factors like working with animal skins, chemicals, stone dust etc.
Infections of the chest or Upper respiratory Tract can bring about an acute attack of Asthma.
Exercise and emotional stress.
Clinical Features: The most characteristic features of Asthma are--- breathlessness, cough and wheezing. The attack often occurs at night but may also occur abruptly due to one of the precipitating factors mentioned above.
The patient often experiences a tight sensation in the chest along with dry cough. Sometimes a long standing dry cough maybe the only indication of Asthma.
When is Asthma really bad?
1. If the wheezing was audible periodically suddenly stops and the patient is still feeling severely out of breath.
2. If the muscles of the neck and those above the collar bone stand out in effort with every act of respiration.
3. If the attack is continuing unabated for several hours or even days with no symptom free periods in between.
What to do:
1. Most of the known cases of Asthma keep 'inhalers' with them, these are devices which ensure direct delivery of the drugs to the lungs and thereby bringing about a rapid relief.
2. Avoiding known triggers which bring about an attack helps, like avoiding strenuous exercises, going out in the cold, etc.
skin care
Half an hour before taking your bath apply on your face half teaspoon each of lime and cucumber juice mixed together.
If your skin is excessively oily, mix in a few drops of eau de cologne. This not only helps keep oiliness away but also helps in refining the pores of the skin by acting as astringent, thereby preventing acne.
To prevent the problem of your makeup becoming patchy either on the forehead, chin or nose due to excessive oiliness in these areas, apply a little cucumber juice on the excessively oily parts of your face, dry thoroughly and then apply your makeup.

If your whole face turns patchy after makeup is applied on it, then apply equal parts of lime juice and witch-hazel. Dry well before putting on your makeup.
Choose an astringent that contains acetone, which is known for dissolving oil. Strong astringents will do more harm than good, stimulating an overproduction of oil.
To clear away excess oil, use a clay or mud mask. Blend together well 1 teaspoon green clay powder and 1 teaspoon raw honey. Apply the mixture to your face, avoiding the eye area. Leave it on for fifteen minutes, then rinse well with lukewarm water. Do this at least three times a week--or more.
Once or twice daily, mix equal parts of lemon juice and water together. Pat mixture on your face and allow it to dry, then rinse with warm water. Follow with a cool-water rinse.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Back pain

Following any period of prolonged inactivity,begin a program ofregular low-impact
exercises. Speed walking,swimming, or stationarybike riding 30 minutes a day can increase muscle strength and flexibility.
Yoga can also help stretch and strengthen muscles and improve posture. Ask your physician or orthopedist for a list of low‑impact exercises appropriate for your age and designed to strengthen lower back and abdominal muscles.
l Always stretch before exercise or other strenuous physical activity.
l Don’t slouch when standing or sitting. When standing, keep your
weight balanced on your feet. Your back supports weight most easily
when curvature is reduced.
l At home or work, make sure your work surface is at a comfortable
height for you.
l Sit in a chair with good lumbar support and proper position
and height for the task. Keep your shoulders back. Switch sitting
positions often and periodically walk around the office or gently
stretch muscles to relieve tension. A pillow or rolled-up towel
placed behind the small of your back can provide some lumbar
support. If you must sit for a long period of time, rest your feet
on a low stool or a stack of books.
l Wear comfortable, low-heeled shoes.
l Sleep on your side to reduce any curve in your spine. Always
sleep on a firm surface.
l Ask for help when transferring an ill or injured family
member from a reclining to a sitting position or when
moving them from a chair to a bed.
l Don’t try to lift objects too heavy for you. Lift with your
knees, pull in your stomach muscles, and keep your head
down and in line with your straight back. Keep the object
close to your body. Do not twist when lifting.
l Maintain proper nutrition and diet to reduce and prevent
excessive weight, especially weight around the waistline that taxes
lower back muscles. A diet with sufficient daily intake of calcium,
phosphorus, and vitamin D helps to promote new bone growth.
l If you smoke, quit. Smoking reduces blood flow to the lower spine
and causes the spinal discs to degenerate.
Source: National Institute of Neurological Disorders. Low Back Pain Fact Sheet. 2007.
Back problems affect millions
Between 2 - 6 million Americans suffer serious back pain every year.
At some point in their lives, 4 out of 5 adults will suffer a pain severe enough to warrant medical care.
For many years, surgery was often performed on sufferers. However, surgery has come to be increasingly viewed as ineffective and unneccesary.
If back surgery is recommended seek alternate opinions
Upon injury, immediately drink a few glasses of water with anti-inflammatory.
Effects of disc dehydration on back pains
Like most other body systems, the discs in the back require lots of water to work properly.
The body must be well hydrated for water to leave other vital areas, like circulation or the brain & enter the discs.
Again, the water management system decides which parts get water based on how vital area is. The back is not at the top of the list. The typical back pain guide does not take importance of water into account.
That is why dehydration can often affect the back first.
Our body weight is supported by 23 discs & 24 vertebrae along the spinal column.
The discs, in addition to other parts of the spinal column, hold water which stabilizes them & allow them to support body weight.
When the weight press squeezes out water from the disc and the water is not replaced disc dehydration occurs. Dehydrated discs are then less able to support body weight.
Dehydration & sciatica
Dehydrated discs become less stable. So they start to shift in the spine. Eventually they press on the sciatic nerve causing intense, radiating pain, pain that is often felt down one or the other leg.
Sciatic pain is the more serious phase of disc dehydration. It is also a sign of impending chronic pain.
As disc dehydration continues, problem is increasingly exacerbated. Here too, the typical back pain guide fails to include dehydration as involved in the development of sciatica.
Further complicating matters is the effect of contaminants in water on our ability to healthfully retain water. The more contaminants we consume, from all sources, the more our bodies need to eliminate them asap.
This also leads to dehydration.
Recommendation: As a health investment, purchase the best water filter you can. Here's a good one, at 20% off through our link--> Click here
Role of muscles in back problems
Of course, in addition to dehydration’s involvement in back problems, muscles that aren’t properly conditioned can result in serious back problems.
Well-developed, flexible back muscles help the spinal column absorb shock and help keep the discs stable during stressful movements.
The typical back pain guide stresses the role of muscles on back problems.
So do keep your back muscles strong and stretchy.
Drink water!
Of course, you must avoid dehydration to keep back problems at bay.
However, if you have developed chronic mild dehydration, it may take days or weeks for newly hydrated body to direct water to the back and into discs. This is because your body, in its wisdom may direct water to more vital areas or hold it just in case.
Be patient. Follow the following exercise slowly. Consult a doctor.


Key Tips To Easily Maintain Good Oral Health
Additional informative on health issues may be found at oral and dental
To take care of your teeth and gums, you need to thoroughly brush and floss your teeth to reduce dental plaque which can prevent gingivitis; the mildest form of gum disease. Avoiding tobacco products is important because in addition to the general health risks posed by tobacco, smokers have 4 times the risk of developing gum disease compared to non-smokers. Tobacco use in any form—cigarette, pipes, and smokeless (spit) tobacco—increases the risk for gum disease, oral and throat cancers, and oral fungal infection (candidiasis). Spit tobacco containing sugar also increases the risk of tooth decay for good measure.
Heavy use of alcohol is also a risk factor for oral and throat cancers. When used alone, alcohol and tobacco are risk factors for oral cancers, but when used in combination the effects of alcohol and tobacco are even greater. Try to eat wisely. Adults should avoid snacks full of sugars and starches. Limit the number of snacks eaten throughout the day. The recommended five-a-day helping of fiber-rich fruits and vegetables stimulates salivary flow to aid remineralization of tooth surfaces with early stages of tooth decay.
I know it is difficult to do sometimes, but one of the best things you can do to prevent dental problems is to visit the dentist regularly. Dental check-ups can detect early signs of oral health problems and can lead to treatments that will prevent further damage, and in some cases, reverse the problem. Have your teeth professionaly cleaned as well(prophylaxis) as it is important for preventing oral problems, especially when self-care is difficult.
Diabetic patients should work to maintain control of their disease. This will help prevent the complications of diabetes, including an increased risk of gum disease. If you are taking certain medications that produce a dry mouth, you should ask your doctor if there are other drugs that can be substituted. If dry mouth unfortunately cannot be avoided, you can drink plenty of water, chew sugarless gum, and stay clear of tobacco and alcohol.
Before beginning cancer treatment you should have an oral health check-up. Radiation to the head or neck and/or chemotherapy may cause problems for your teeth and gums. Treating existing oral health problems before cancer therapy may help prevent or limit oral complications or tissue damage.
Follow these tips and precautionary measures and you can have a better chance of avoiding the pain and discomfort of the tooth decay and oral diseases.
Men Health Diet Tips
To discover more great men health diet advice, visit the Mens Health Forum. It's free to join, so visit and become a member today!
Another men health diet tip is to replace regular head lettuce salads with mixed spring greens or spinach. While head lettuce has almost no nutritional value, spinach and mixed greens are super foods that are packed with all the vitamins you could ever hope for in a tasty salad base. When you top it off with fresh sliced vegetables, you've got yourself a healthy meal that tastes great. It's important to remember that when it comes to salads, the base isn't just a vehicle for the dressing. Choose vinaigrettes over creamy dressings, and when possible try those salad sprays that have only a couple of calories per serving.
When you're on a men health diet, it doesn't need to be a terrible experience. Healthy foods don't have to taste bland and horrible, you just need to know which tasty foods are good for you to eat. Nowadays there are plenty of sweets that can satisfy your cravings without pushing you over your daily caloric limits. Choose items with reduced sugar and fat, and always remember to eat in moderation.
Health Insurance For The Self-employed … 5 Tips To Consider
Barb Dearing is a writer specializing in topics that help consumers save money. She recommend the following website for consumers shopping for health insurance online-
Here are a couple of things to keep in mind as you shop for your best health insurance plan. And remember, when it comes to health insurance, there is no one-size-fits-all policy. You'll need to consider your individual circumstances as you compare options.
1. If you're relatively healthy, consider a high-deductible policy that covers only catastrophic events, such as surgeries and major injuries. The premiums are much lower than traditional health insurance policies, but that means you'll be paying out of pocket for check-ups and minor medical care.
2. Take advantage of the HSA (Health Savings Account) that allows you to put pre-tax dollars into a bank account and use the money later to pay for your medical care. An HSA can either be a stand-alone insurance plan, or you can combine it with a catastrophic policy and use your HSA funds to pay for the medical care not covered by your insurer. (Remember, you don't buy an HSA from an insurer, you set one up yourself with the help of your accountant.)
3. If you want more coverage than the catastrophic policy offers, consider a comprehensive policy and then choose the highest possible deductible that you can afford, even if that deductible would be a financial stretch. The dollars you save on the premiums will likely exceed the deductible in the long run.
4. If you choose to go with a comprehensive policy, make sure it doesn't include coverage you don't need like: pregnancy, mental health, chiropractic or unnecessary prescription drug coverage. On the other hand, if any of those coverages are important to you, ask your insurer to include them in your policy.
5. Consider a supplemental insurance policy to help cover your deductibles and out-of-pocket medical expenses that aren't covered by your primary insurance policy. This type of policy can even pay a cash benefit is you are unable to work because of illness or injury, an important feature for the self-employed.
By deciding up-front what type of insurance is best for your situation, you'll feel more confident as you shop for the best policy.
If you would like to learn more about health insurance for the self-employed, please visit the website recommended below.
Woman Health And Beauty Tips
Michaela is a cosmetologist who strongly believes in natural beauty. She loves to share her own personal beneficial experiences with natural skin care products to others. To learn more about natural skin care, Please visit">women’s health and beauty store
How to Have Healthy, Beautiful Skin?
Every woman wants to have a radiant skin; unfortunately, most of them don’t figure out the causes of their skin problems. Each day, our body is attacked by pollution, the sun, sweat, stress, abuse of all kinds such as tobacco, alcohol and unhealthy fast foods. To have a healthy, beautiful skin, it is important to reverse the effects of those aggressors by adopting a healthy lifestyle including eating a healthy diet regular exercise, and good sleep.
However, sometimes, all these efforts on a daily basis are not enough. The more we advance in age, the more the body requires small attentions that require a little cosmetic. My advice to you is using safe and natural skin products. Safe and natural products, applied regularly, can help greatly to protect your look from the ravages of time and pollution. I am talking about feminine beauty to please men and make you feel good about yourself. Finding yourself beautiful is essential to live in harmony with yourself and others.
Keep your skin clean and clear. Taking care of yourself is taking care of your skin on a daily basis. Cleaning the skin must be made daily using products that do not alter its natural balance or damage it. The skin is exposed to external aggression. By its peripheral position, the skin is unavoidably attacked by dust, pollution, which mingling to the sebum and sweat disrupt the balance of its surface. You need natural antioxidant cream to repair those damages. Today, unconsciously, people tend to excessive use of gels or anti-aging products that are, most of times, do more harm to the skin. Be aware that those products can increase your skin's risk of UV damage.
Taking care of your face
Your face is your passport; do not ever neglect it. The skin of your face is constantly assaulted by the environment: temperature too high or too low, wind, pollution, temperature changes. It needs to be protected by the use of an anti-oxidant cream. Protective cream or restorative cream, the choice of your cream depends on your skin type and your needs. Living in cities, cold, working outdoors or in a confined place, your cream facial must also provide a degree of protection that suits your lifestyle. It must also be adapted to the nature of your skin (dry skin, oily skin, mixed skin), the choice of your moisturizer is essential to better protect the skin of your face and allow it to find the right balance.
Femininity of a beautiful neckline
The arms and chest areas are very sensitive and are also a sign of femininity that each of us likes to discover. But often, the years pass, with a few kilos too many, and not enough physical activity, mean that our arms, our breasts are no longer as energetic as before and become a real complex. These areas are very fragile because they do not have true muscle support and are therefore subject to rapid aging, wrinkles, skin falling and flaccid. For, too often, the neck and chest are forgotten in the care of daily hydration. However, they must be washed, hydrated and treated the same way as the face.
To preserve the elasticity of the skin of those areas, it is important to apply every morning a nourishing and moisturizing cream, taking care to apply a light massage that will activate the superficial microcirculation. Apply a special cream by massaging lightly and gently from the center of the breast to cover the entire breast and up to the neck.
Intimate hygiene
Often taboo, the subject of personal hygiene is often not discussed despite the great importance it takes. What are the gestures to comply, products to use, learn all relevant information. Because staying fresh is a daily concern for both well-being and health, intimate hygiene should not be overlooked. Be simple and natural in your vaginal care; any negligence or overuse of chemical can lead to vaginal issues. In a relationship, vaginal odor is a tough problem for both partners. It is embarrassing for the female, and frustrating for the male.
What products to use for personal hygiene?
All products, shower gels, soaps and bubble baths variety are not necessarily suited for intimate hygiene. Often too aggressive, their pH (acidity level) is different from that of our skin and does not respect the natural balance. The acidity of genital mucous makes it possible to ensure the maintenance of vulvo-vaginal flora necessary to preserve the female genitals of fungal infections and diverse.
Hygiene and menstruation
Whether you use tampons or pads, change them regularly, about every 4 hours (except at night where you can keep them until morning). If you use tampons, be sure to choose the model adapted to the flow of your menstruation, which also varies between the beginning and the end of your period. A tampon too big and absorbing, at the end of the cycle, can irritate the vagina and lead the development of a fungus. In the same way, a tampon changed too frequently can be a source of irritation.
Healthy and beautiful legs
Take care of your legs. The legs are one of the female assets, but can also be a source of much inconvenience. Those who have heavy legs, varicose veins or Restless legs syndrome know what I am talking about. If you want to attract men, pay attention to your legs, they say. Most men get turned on by a hot woman's legs. Men love looking at women's hot, sexy legs; maybe there is a secret in that.
What could affect the beauty and health of your legs? - High heels, consumption of alcohol and cigarettes and an unbalanced diet are all aggravating factors of poor blood circulation and therefore pain in the legs with obviously appearance of cellulite, stretch marks and small vessels that burst.
Advice to have beautiful and healthy legs - The fundamental solution is regular exercises with more precisely jogging and jumping. The legs acquire, through regular exercises, greater finesse and elasticity. Their muscles develop harmoniously and the entire body usually takes profits with improved blood circulation.
Numerous researchers confirm that a healthy nutrition makes a positive difference in skin rejuvenation. Your beauty has a close relationship with what you eat. You are what you eat, they say. However, even if you eat a healthy diet, you also need to avoid eating late at night. Do your best to eat at least 3 hours before going to bed. Eating late can cause chronic indigestion, which can lead to acne, bad breath, belly fat, eczema, and psoriasis. Adjust your diet to your life (sedentary lifestyle, active, sportive), your condition (pregnant, obese), your age (children, youth, adult, elderly) in order not to create imbalance in your diet. Energy needs vary depending on sex and a multitude of other factors.
Where to find safe and natural products for women? invites you to discover throughout its pages, tips and tricks so that you are, each day, the best of your form and your beauty. Each product has a full page of information so that every response is the most appropriate to your questions. Products manufactured specifically for women needs: Everything you always wanted to know about natural women care. Advice to apply every day to live a better life. For more information, visit our women’s health and beauty website.
Baby food recipes
250 grams of chicken liver
2 apples, peeled, seeded, chopped
1 carrot, peeled and cut into pieces
3 pieces potatoes, peeled and cut into pieces
2 stalks celery, chopped
3 tablespoons green peas
1. Cook all ingredients until cooked.
2. Drain and puree (or chopped finely for children ages 8 months and up)
Baby food recipes
2 pieces of fish fillets
2 apples, peeled, cut into pieces
1. Boil the ingredients until cooked. Drain and puree.
For children 8 months, the food should not be crushed but only finely chopped. It is good to stimulate the growth of teeth and to train the muscles of the mouth and gums to bite.
Baby food recipes
2 stalks carrots, peeled, cut into pieces
2 apples, peeled, cut into pieces
2 pieces of pear, peeled and cut into pieces
1. Kl Boil carrots for 10 minutes, then amsukkan apple and pear. Cook until soft.
2. Drain and puree (or chopped finely for children ages 8 months and up)
BABY FOOD RECIPES - steamed fish
Baby food recipes
1 snapper fillet (or other fish species, according to taste)
1. Steam the fish until cooked and then mashed.
2. Can be mixed with pureed vegetables (carrots, broccoli, etc.).
Baby food recipes
7 broccoli florets, discarding the stem
2 potatoes, peeled, cut into pieces
Chicken broth / meat taste (only boiled water chicken / meat, without salt or other seasonings)
1. Steam the broccoli and potatoes until cooked.
2. Blend the two ingredients with the processor / blender.
3. Give the broth to taste.
Baby food recipes
1 carrot, peeled, cut into pieces
1 piece of potato, peeled, cut into pieces
2 tablespoons green peas (can be replaced other green vegetables, eg broccoli,
zuchini, celery, etc.)
Chicken broth / meat taste (only boiled water chicken / meat, without garammaupun other seasonings)
1. Boiled / steamed until cooked all the ingredients and puree.
2. Give the chicken broth / meat taste.
Baby food recipes
1 piece of chicken thighs, remove skin, cut meat into pieces (bones were not removed)
1 stalk celery, chopped
2 potatoes, peeled, cut into pieces
1 stick carrot, peeled, cut into pieces
2 tablespoons green peas
500 ml water
1. Cook all ingredients until cooked.
2. Discard the chicken bones, then puree all ingredients
Baby food recipes
2 medium carrots, peeled
Boiled water to taste
1. Steam the carrots until tender then puree. Add water as needed.
2. Presentation: Give the carrot puree as single or mixed foods
with pulp POTATO / SWEET POTATOES porridge.
Baby food recipes
250 grams of fresh or frozen peas
1. Boil peas until cooked and then mashed.
2. Strain the rough skin so do not take part inedible.
3. Presentation: Give peas puree as a single food or
mixed with porridge POTATO / SWEET POTATOES porridge.