Monday, November 9, 2009

Omega3 Supplements

There is no better time than now to watch out for your health. Health supplements are exactly that – a way for you to supplement a good diet and help out your body. It’s like premium oil for a machine. Normal oil works fairly well, but premium oil makes it run all the more smoothly than it would with the standard.
The problem with people when it comes to omega3 supplements or any health supplement is that people tend to base their health on how they feel that day. If they’re perky, they think that they’re completely fine. The problem is, being energetic and happy all day doesn’t mean that everything is running as smoothly, or that you have the omega3 fatty acids that you need. Then, when something finally goes wrong, then people go clawing for their health supplements. If they had only taken them earlier, perhaps they’ll be doing fine now.

Why Should I Take Supplements?

Fact is, it’s actually really easy to find yourself nutritionally deficient. Fast food is readily available, as well as junk food, so we can opt to eat something useless instead of something that will actually help your body. Eating right is the foundation, while health supplements are the fancy lights in a fancy restaurant or the icing on the cake. They won’t replace proper nutrition but it’ll help out anyone who’s already eating properly.
Omega3 Fatty Acids
One of the most important things you might be lacking is omega3 fatty acid. Omega3 fatty acids are great for people who are at risk for cardiovascular issues. Adding fatty fish to your meals twice a week is a pretty good start in getting it into your system. Incidentally, fish are also great sources of protein if you also need a boost in protein levels.
There are other ways of getting Omega3 fatty acids, such as through tofu and walnut. These are rich sources of something called alpha-linolenic acid which, in the body turns into omega3 fatty acids. Of course, this doesn’t always happen since for some people, fish and tofu just isn’t their thing. This is where omega3 supplements come in.

Omega3 Supplements

Picking the right omega3 supplement is also very important. A great example of a great omega3 supplement is one from Spectrum Essentials, as it is certified and cold pressed as well. Their product gets their omega3 fatty acids from flax oil, which is rich in the aforementioned alpha-linolenic acid. Sprinkling just a little onto a salad works wonders and taking a spoonful works equally well.
Organic Flax Oil from Spectrum Essentials comes in capsules, for people who enjoy that particular delivery method. This method makes sure that it doesn’t oxidize without having to add preservatives. For softgel lovers out there, Solgar Omega3 700 is the health supplement for you. This product derives its omega3 from fish oil. Cold water ocean fish gives it up for this supplement, which is also thankfully free of mercury. Coromega Omega 3 is another great choice for the discerning consumer, as it is also filled with flavors like orange and lemon lime for people who aren’t big fans of fish oil.

The Importance of Health Supplements

Omega3 fatty acids are only one of the things you may need health supplements for. In fact, even the FDA has gone ahead and said that it’s pretty much required at this point, especially for those who are young, advanced in age or are suffering from a particular ailment or condition. Asthma and heart conditions are only two of the ailments listed on the FDA website that urge the need for health supplements.
When it comes right down to it, just about everyone really needs to invest in adding these to their medicine cabinets. Of course, it’s important to note that again, these are not replacements. No amount of pills can really feed your body the way a good and hearty meal can. Make sure that when you build your menu at home that it touches on each food group around.
The problem is that most of the time, even if you do manage to wrangle and make food that hits every part of the food group, you might not get the nutrients that you need. After all, most food is grown in soil that lacks nutrients, thanks to over-farming. Pesticides can also mess up with the nutrients in vegetables or in the animals that graze on pesticide-affected fields.

Get Yours Today

Whether its Omega3 fatty acids or some other deficiency, health supplements are there to help your body out. All you need to do is to adapt to today’s society and take advantage of this magical thing. In the old days, people would have to make do with lacking vital nutrients. Be thankful that you will never have to settle for being nutritionally deficient. All you need to do is buy some health supplements.


Baby food recipes

250 grams of chicken liver
2 apples, peeled, seeded, chopped
1 carrot, peeled and cut into pieces
3 pieces potatoes, peeled and cut into pieces
2 stalks celery, chopped
3 tablespoons green peas

1. Cook all ingredients until cooked.
2. Drain and puree (or chopped finely for children ages 8 months and up)

Baby food recipes

2 pieces of fish fillets
2 apples, peeled, cut into pieces

1. Boil the ingredients until cooked. Drain and puree.

For children 8 months, the food should not be crushed but only finely chopped. It is good to stimulate the growth of teeth and to train the muscles of the mouth and gums to bite.

Baby food recipes

2 stalks carrots, peeled, cut into pieces
2 apples, peeled, cut into pieces
2 pieces of pear, peeled and cut into pieces

1. Kl Boil carrots for 10 minutes, then amsukkan apple and pear. Cook until soft.
2. Drain and puree (or chopped finely for children ages 8 months and up)

BABY FOOD RECIPES - steamed fish
Baby food recipes

1 snapper fillet (or other fish species, according to taste)

1. Steam the fish until cooked and then mashed.
2. Can be mixed with pureed vegetables (carrots, broccoli, etc.).

Baby food recipes

7 broccoli florets, discarding the stem
2 potatoes, peeled, cut into pieces
Chicken broth / meat taste (only boiled water chicken / meat, without salt or other seasonings)

1. Steam the broccoli and potatoes until cooked.
2. Blend the two ingredients with the processor / blender.
3. Give the broth to taste.

Baby food recipes

1 carrot, peeled, cut into pieces
1 piece of potato, peeled, cut into pieces
2 tablespoons green peas (can be replaced other green vegetables, eg broccoli,
zuchini, celery, etc.)
Chicken broth / meat taste (only boiled water chicken / meat, without garammaupun other seasonings)

1. Boiled / steamed until cooked all the ingredients and puree.
2. Give the chicken broth / meat taste.

Baby food recipes

1 piece of chicken thighs, remove skin, cut meat into pieces (bones were not removed)
1 stalk celery, chopped
2 potatoes, peeled, cut into pieces
1 stick carrot, peeled, cut into pieces
2 tablespoons green peas
500 ml water

1. Cook all ingredients until cooked.
2. Discard the chicken bones, then puree all ingredients

Baby food recipes

2 medium carrots, peeled
Boiled water to taste

1. Steam the carrots until tender then puree. Add water as needed.
2. Presentation: Give the carrot puree as single or mixed foods
with pulp POTATO / SWEET POTATOES porridge.

Baby food recipes

250 grams of fresh or frozen peas

1. Boil peas until cooked and then mashed.
2. Strain the rough skin so do not take part inedible.
3. Presentation: Give peas puree as a single food or
mixed with porridge POTATO / SWEET POTATOES porridge.