Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Fruit Healer Cancer 10,000 Times More Powerful Than Chemotherapy

Fruit Healer Cancer 10,000 Times More Powerful Than Chemotherapy
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Soursop fruits have been studied and developed as a cancer drug raw materials, particularly prostate cancer, pancreatic, and lung. A company in America willing to pour billions of dollars to prove the efficacy of soursop as an effective killer of cancer cells and is much safer than the chemo therapy. Unfortunately, until now the drug is still a secret.

News of the secret was recently revealed soursop fruit and spread rapidly through the mailing list. Such information is certainly quite encouraging, especially for people with cancer and their families.

"Thank God if that's true, my dad just let me eat soursop, ngabisin not have a lot of money," said Emmy, whose father seven months ago was sentenced to suffer lung cancer.

Currently the number of cancer patients is growing, and there are no solutions that are considered minimal side effects. While the discovery was mentioned, the drug is made from soursop fruit has the benefit of 10 thousand times stronger than chemotherapy.

In the midst of that fact, an American company that has long been researching and developing fruit soursop (soursop) as a cancer drug is still shut down a secret meeting this miracle fruit. What actually happens in the research soursop?

Ten thousand times more powerful

It all started with research at Purdue University, United States, who proved the soursop fruit effectively kill cancer cells. Unfortunately, the results of the study can not be released to the public.

It seems they want to take advantage of the results of such research. Understandably, the funds spent for research that spelled out very, very big.

Talk about greatness or soursop fruit Graviola, actually have long reported research institutions in the U.S.. Health Sciences Institute, USA, in early 2000 revealed that the Spanish fruit called Graviola it has the ability as a natural killer of cancer cells, even up to 10 thousand times stronger than chemotherapy that uses chemicals.

In addition to cure cancer, soursop fruit also serves as an antibacterial, antifungal, and effective against various types of parasites or worms. Soursop are also effective in lowering high blood pressure, depression, stress, and normalize the nervous system affected.

Health Sciences Research Institute are taken by the living habits of Indian tribes in the Amazon jungle. Some parts and this tree, as bark, roots, leaves, fruit pulp, and seeds, for centuries used as medicine by tribal people. Graviola or soursop Amazonian society as a drug believed to be heart disease, asthma, impaired liver function (liver), and rheumatism.

The National Cancer Institute has conducted research on Graviola since 1976. The trial was conducted in 20 different independent laboratories under the supervision of the National Cancer Institute.

Hunting is only bad cells

In Asia, a similar study conducted in South Korea. A study published in the Journal of Natural Products states, a study conducted at Catholic University in South Korea stated that one chemical element named annonaceous acetogenin contained in Graviola, able to select, differentiate, and kill cancer cells that develop in the colon .

A striking discovery from these studies is that the anticancer agent is also able to select and kill only the evil cancer cells, while healthy cells untouched.

Compare with chemotherapy, which has been used to treat cancer patients who can not distinguish between cancer cells and healthy cells. Reproductive cells (such as stomach and hair) were killed out of chemotherapy. The impact, resulting negative effects of nausea, hair loss, and weight loss drastically.

In addition, the efficacy of soursop fruit is to protect the immune system and prevent deadly infections. Implications for cancer patients is their increased energy and improved physical appearance.

Leaves boiled

In Indonesia, soursop as a natural remedy also has long been recognized. Dose has ever tried the herbal therapists to address the growth of cancer cells was 10 soursop leaf blade which has dark green with 3 cups boiling water (600 cc), and left hanging until the remaining one cup of water (200 cc). Once cool, then filtered and water is taken every morning (there are some patients who take the morning-afternoon).

Effect of consumption of soursop leaf decoction is stomach feels warm or hot, then the body will sweat profusely. It should be understood that the use of potent herbal ingredients do not directly or alias cespleng instantly healed as the effects of chemical drugs offered. That is, it takes discipline to drink a potion for 3-4 weeks.

After that, new effects can be felt and even then it can not be tested scientifically, greater reliance on testimony or confessions empirical.

Hambali (33 years) prostate cancer patients admitted, after diligent drink soursop juice without sugar are better. He could move back after difficult move. When examined in the laboratory, it turns out the cancer cells to dry. Other cells that grow (hair, nails, etc.) not at all disturbed.

Given the efficacy of these, it would be nice if the results of scientific research could be the basis of publicly available and soursop used as a cure for cancer, for giving a glimmer of hope for sufferers of this deadly disease.

Variety The Graviola Benefits

Almost all parts of the soursop tree, began to bark, roots, leaves, fruit flesh, until the seeds, for centuries used as medicine by the Indians in South America. Some health problems including heart disease, asthma, liver problems (liver), and arthritis treated with soursop.

Empirical facts to the attention of a company which then disburse the funds and human resources are very large in order to conduct research and various tests of soursop. The results were astounding.

Following the findings of various properties of Graviola:
• Attacking cancer cells safely and effectively, without consequence nausea, weight loss, or hair loss, as is common in chemo therapy.
• Protecting the immune system and prevent deadly infections.
• Increase energy and create improved physical appearance.
• Effectively selecting target and kill the bad cells from 12 types of cancer. Among colon cancer, breast, prostate, lung, and pancreas.
• These drugs 10,000 times stronger in slowing the growth of cancer cells compared with adriamycin and the commonly used chemo therapy.
• Unlike chemo therapy, this juice is selectively only ° hunt "and kill the bad cells and not kill healthy cells.

Hampered Patent Issues

One of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the United States with a turnover of billions of dollars researching unusual about soursop, no reason why the problem at once so far have not dared to explain well about the fruit-based cancer drug that also grow in this Amazon jungle.

Because the pharmaceutical industry (name unknown) had until now kept trying to patent the results of the study, but failed because of the provisions of U.S. federal law. In the Act described the results of these studies can not be patented, before they were discovered synthetic elements.

Because the active ingredients from the leaves and fruit soursop derived from plants, means the right to research results known to the general public, including all of us who exist in Indonesia.

Not surprisingly, companies that face the big problem is trying hard with huge costs trying to make a synthesis / cloning soursop to be patented. Thus, the amount spent for research and various tests to be back, and even making a fortune.

Unfortunately, these efforts did not bear fruit sweet alias failed. Soursop can not be cloned. In other words, companies can not meet the requirements that have been invited-legislated, but has spent very large.

As well as the spirit of the dream slowly faded big profit, research and testing activities are also stopped. Worse yet, the company shut down this project has decided not to publish research results.

Even so, the story did not end there. Hope the public to explore the benefits of natural remedies silencer soursop as the cancer grows again.

Once there is one of the scientists (not clearly identified) of the research team feel can not bear to see this reality. Finally, at the expense of career and reputation, he contacted a company that used to gather natural materials from the Amazon forest for the manufacture of drugs.

When the experts of the Health Sciences Research Institute to hear, soursop miracle news, they began to do research. The results were very surprising, soursop tree proved to be an effective cancer cell killer. Unfortunately, until now there is no party or pharmaceutical companies that dare to follow up on these encouraging findings with a variety of reasons.

Even so, now you already know the benefits of the fruit of this extraordinary soursop. The sweet taste is certainly refreshing sour mix is ​​familiar to most of the people of Indonesia. Soursop can be consumed fresh or processed into juice.


Baby food recipes

250 grams of chicken liver
2 apples, peeled, seeded, chopped
1 carrot, peeled and cut into pieces
3 pieces potatoes, peeled and cut into pieces
2 stalks celery, chopped
3 tablespoons green peas

1. Cook all ingredients until cooked.
2. Drain and puree (or chopped finely for children ages 8 months and up)

Baby food recipes

2 pieces of fish fillets
2 apples, peeled, cut into pieces

1. Boil the ingredients until cooked. Drain and puree.

For children 8 months, the food should not be crushed but only finely chopped. It is good to stimulate the growth of teeth and to train the muscles of the mouth and gums to bite.

Baby food recipes

2 stalks carrots, peeled, cut into pieces
2 apples, peeled, cut into pieces
2 pieces of pear, peeled and cut into pieces

1. Kl Boil carrots for 10 minutes, then amsukkan apple and pear. Cook until soft.
2. Drain and puree (or chopped finely for children ages 8 months and up)

BABY FOOD RECIPES - steamed fish
Baby food recipes

1 snapper fillet (or other fish species, according to taste)

1. Steam the fish until cooked and then mashed.
2. Can be mixed with pureed vegetables (carrots, broccoli, etc.).

Baby food recipes

7 broccoli florets, discarding the stem
2 potatoes, peeled, cut into pieces
Chicken broth / meat taste (only boiled water chicken / meat, without salt or other seasonings)

1. Steam the broccoli and potatoes until cooked.
2. Blend the two ingredients with the processor / blender.
3. Give the broth to taste.

Baby food recipes

1 carrot, peeled, cut into pieces
1 piece of potato, peeled, cut into pieces
2 tablespoons green peas (can be replaced other green vegetables, eg broccoli,
zuchini, celery, etc.)
Chicken broth / meat taste (only boiled water chicken / meat, without garammaupun other seasonings)

1. Boiled / steamed until cooked all the ingredients and puree.
2. Give the chicken broth / meat taste.

Baby food recipes

1 piece of chicken thighs, remove skin, cut meat into pieces (bones were not removed)
1 stalk celery, chopped
2 potatoes, peeled, cut into pieces
1 stick carrot, peeled, cut into pieces
2 tablespoons green peas
500 ml water

1. Cook all ingredients until cooked.
2. Discard the chicken bones, then puree all ingredients

Baby food recipes

2 medium carrots, peeled
Boiled water to taste

1. Steam the carrots until tender then puree. Add water as needed.
2. Presentation: Give the carrot puree as single or mixed foods
with pulp POTATO / SWEET POTATOES porridge.

Baby food recipes

250 grams of fresh or frozen peas

1. Boil peas until cooked and then mashed.
2. Strain the rough skin so do not take part inedible.
3. Presentation: Give peas puree as a single food or
mixed with porridge POTATO / SWEET POTATOES porridge.