tips on baby, equipment for babies, games for babies, health care for babies.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Name Baby A
Aaron ------- --------------- The light shines Male - Hebrew
Aba --------- --------- Born Women's Day Thursday - Africa
Abbott ------ -------------------------- The man's father - Arabic
Abby -------- ------------------ abbot Women - Latin
Abdel ------- ----------------------- Male Waiter - Arabic
Lord Butler Abdiel ----------------- ------ Male - Hebrew
Servant of God Abdul ------- ----------------- Male - Arabic
Abel ------------------------- -------- Breath Male - Hebrew
Abelard --------------------- ----- Certainty Male - German
Small children Abella ------ -------------------- Women - Syria
Abeni ------- -------------- Women's Prayer to God - Africa
Abey -------- -------------------------- Leaves Women - Africa
Beautiful and glittering Abha -------- --------- Women's - Hindu
Abhay ------- -------------- Children of Men Dharma - Hindu
Abhijit ----- ------------- dear Star Male - Hindu
Abia ------------------------- -------- Great Women - Arab
Abigail ----- ------------------ abbot Women - Latin
Abijah ------ God is my father ---------- Male - Hebrew
Abina ------- -------- Born Women's Day Tuesday - Ghana
Abiona ------ ----- Born in travel Women - Yoruban
Abira ------- -------------------------- Strong Woman - Hebrew
Abner ------- ------------------------ Light Male - Hebrew
Abra -------- ---------------------- Women Leaders - Hebrew
----- Father Abraham from the crowd ------- Male - Hebrew
Abram's father -------------------------- ------- Male - Hebrew
Abrasha ----- -------------------------- The man's father - Hebrew
Acacia Thorns ------ ----------------------- Women - Greece
Acacio King -------------------------- ------ Male - Hebrew
Waiter ----------------------- ------ Acadia Women - Canada
Acanit a difficult period --------------- ------ Women - Ugandan
Acantha ----- ----------------------- Thorns Women - Greece
Accalia ----- -------------------- Women's adoptive mother - Latin
Accursius --- Immediately ------------------------ Male - Latin
Ace unity ----------------- --------- One man - Latin
Women ------------------------- ------ Acelin Honor - German
Achal ------- ------------------------ Steady Women - Hindu
Achazia ----- King -------------------------- Woman - Hebrew
Achen ------- ------------------------ Twins Women - Ugandan
Misty ------ ---------------------- Achlys Women - Greece
Achyuta ----- One of the name of the god Vishnu --- Male - Hindu
Ackley wood Padang Oaks -------------- ------ Male - UK
Acton Wood Eiks ------- --------------------- Male - UK
Sharp Acuzio ------------------------- ------ Male - Latin
There ----------------------- --------- Happy Women - Germany
Adah -------- -------------------- Beauty Women - Latin
Adair Honor ------- ------------------------- Male - Language Gael
Adal -------- ------------------------- Male Honor - German
Adalardo Honor ---- ------------------------- Male - Celtic
Adalgisa ---- ------------------------- Woman Honor - German
Adalgiso ---- ------------------------- Male Honor - German
Adalia ------ ----------- Women's Refuge - Hebrew
Adalrico ---- ------------------------- Noble Men - Latin
Earth -------- -------------------------- Adam Male - Hebrew
Adamina ----- ------ daughter of the Earth Woman - Hebrew
Adara ------- -------------------- Beauty Women - Greece
Lord Butler Addai ------- ----------------- Male - Hebrew
The son of Adam Addison ----- -------------- Male - UK
Addo ----------------------- -------- Happy Men - Germany
Twelfth son Adeben -------- ------ Male - Ghana
Adelaide Women ------------------------- ---- Majesty - Hebrews
Adelais ----- ------------------------- Noble Men - Latin
Adelbert ---- --------------------- Male Nobility - Germany
Adelfried --------------------- --- Protector Male - German
Adelina Women ------------------------- ----- Honor - German
Adelino ----- ------------------------- Male Honor - German
Adelmo Protector --------------------- ------ Male - German
Adelphos ---- Brother ----------------------- Male - Greece
Triumph ---------------------- ----- Ademaro Male - German
Without a husband ------------------- ------ Ademia Women - Greece
Adena ------- ----------------------- Sensual Woman - Hebrew
Given by God Adeodatus --- ---------- Male - Latin
Protected ------ ------------------- Aderes Woman - Hebrew
Adesina His Way ----- --------------------- Women - Yoruban
Quick ------ ------------------------- Adhira Women - Hindu
Adiana ------ ------------------------- Night Women - United States
Adie -------- --------------------- Women's Jewelry - Hebrew
Adine ------- -------------------------- Nice Woman - Hebrew
Adiran ------ ----------------- From Adriatic Male - Latin
Adishree ---- -------------------- Women's glory - Hindu
Free Women ------------------------- ------- Aditi - Hindu
Sun God Aditya ----------------- ------ Male - Hindu
Fun ------------------ ------- Adiva Women - Arab
Adlai testimony ------- ------------------- Male - Hebrew
Adler's eagle ------- ------------------ Male - German
Adley ------- -------------------------- Adil Male - Hebrew
Admon red peony ------------------- ------- Male - Hebrew
Adolf ------- --------------------- Male Nobility - Germany
Adolfina Highness Heroes ---- ------------- Women - Germany
Adolph ------ --------------------- Male Nobility - Germany
-------------------------- -------- King Adon Male - Hebrew
Sweet Adoncia ----- ------------------------- Woman - Spanish
Adonijah ------ ------------------------- Beautiful Women - Greece
Adonis ------ Loved by the goddess Aphrodite - Male - Greece
Dear Adora ------- ----------------- Women - France
Adrastos ---- Not daunted ------------------ Male - Greece
Adria woman from Adrian Names ------- ------- Women - Latin
Adrian Rich in botanical --------------------- ------ Male - Latin
Adriel Beaver ----------------- ------ Male - Africa
Adrienne Rich -------------------------- ---- Women - Latin
Aeneas is worth to praise ----------- ------ Male - Greece
Aetos eagle ------- ------------------ Male - Greece
Afina ------- ------------------------- Strawberry Woman - Romania
Afra -------- ------------------- Women Of Africa - Latin
Fun ------ ------------------ Africa Woman - Celtic
Afro -------- ------------------- From the African Male - Latin
Name ------- ------------------- Afton River Women - UK
Agape Love ------- ------------------------- Both - Greece
Both the liver --------------------- ------ Agatha Women - Greece
Both the liver --------------------- ----- Agatone Male - Greece
Aglaia ------ ----------------- Women's Wisdom - Greece
Saint Agnes ------- -------------------- Pure Woman - Latin
Agneta ------ ------------------------- Pure Woman - Greece
Uncle Ahab -------- ------------------------- Male - Hebrew
The name of a river Ahava ------- ------------ Woman - Hebrew
Ahimsa ------ ---------------------- Kindness of Women - Hindu
The power of God Ahmik ------- ----------- Male - Hebrew
Ahren eagle ------- ------------------ Male - German
Ai Love ---------- ------------------------- Woman - Japan
Full of joy ------------- -------- Aida Women - UK
Aidan ------- ------------------- Relief Male - Middle East
Aiden ------- --------------------------- Fire Male - Language Gael
Aiesha ------ ------------------------ Women Women - Arab
Aiken ------- ------------------------- Sturdy Male - Anglo-Sax
Aiko -------- ----------------- Dear Woman - Japan
Aila light bearer -------- ---------------- Women - Finland
Aileen ------------------------ ------ Light Women - Greece
Obedient to God kepad Ailsa ------- -------------- Woman - Hebrew
---------------------- ------- Aimee Beloved Women - Latin
Leaders Aimery ---------------------- ------ Male - German
---------------------- --------- Securities Ain Women - Arab
Aine -------- ------------------- Fun Woman - Celtic
Ainhoa ------ ----------------------- Virgin Woman - Bask
Ainsley Pastures ----- ----------------- Women - Sotlandia
Aintzane Triumph ---------------------- ---- Women - Bask
Very smooth Airlia ------ ------------------ Women - Greece
Aislinn ------------------- ----- One dream Woman - Celtic
Aissa ------- --------------- Thanking Women - Africa
Aitan ------- ---------------------- Guards Male - Hebrew
--------------------- ------ Small Aithne Fire Woman - Celtic
Aiyana Blooms and eternal ------ --------------- Women - Africa
Ajax eagle -------- ------------------ Male - Greece
Ajay -------- --- God surely unbeatable Women - Hindu
Ajayi ------- Born with fuzz hair - Male - Yoruban
Akaash Sky ------------------------ ------ Male - Hindu
Flowers akaisha Akaisha ----- ----------------- Women - Ireland
Akako Red ------- ------------------------- Woman - Japan
Akando ----------------------- ------ Trap Men - Africa
Too love Akanke ------ ----------------- Women - Nigeria
Akasma ------ ------------------- White Rose Women - Turkey
Akela Noble ------- ------------------------- Woman - Hawaii
Intelligent and logical Akil -------- -------------- Male - Arabic
Intelligent and logical Akilah -------------- ------ Women - Arab
Akili ------- ----------------- Women's Wisdom - Tanzania
The eagle Akilina ----- ------------------ Women - Latin
Flowers that bloom Akina ------- ------------ Women - Japan
Akira ------- ------------------------ Both Anchor - Sotlandia
Akiva ------- ------------------ Protection of Women - Hebrew
Gods Name --------------------- ------ Akshay Male - Hindu
Women's Empress -------------------- ------- Akuti - Hindu
Maintain ------- ---------------------- Alake Women - Yoruban
Goddess of War ------------------- ------- Alala Women - Greece
Alan -------- ------------------------ Handsome Men - Language Gael
Alana ------- -------------------------- Women's Fair - Language Gael
Light like the sun Aland ------- ------- Male - UK
Alanna ------ -------------------------- Fair Woman - Celtic
Alaqua ------ ---------- sweet tree sap Women - Africa
Alaric Glory ------ --------------------- Male - German
Alarice ----- ----- Leader of all people Women - Germany
Alastair ---- ----------------------- Male Carers - Sotlandia
Alavda ------ Birds ------------------------ Women - France
------------------------- ------ Alazne Magic Woman - Bask
Alban ------- ------------------------- White Men - Latin
Known for her courage Albern ------ ---- Men - Germany
Albert Noble ------------------------- ------ Male - German
----- ------------------------- Alberta Women's Honor - German
Albinka ----- --------------- blonde-haired woman - Latin
Albion ------ --------------- blond-haired man - Latin
Alcander -------------------------- ---- Strong Men - Greece
Alcina willed -------------- ------ Women - Greece
Alda long -------- --------------- Aged Women - Middle East
Aldea ------- --------------------- Rich Feast of Women - Germany
Alden Antiques ------- ------------------------- Male - Middle East
Aldercy ---------------------- ----- Women Leaders - UK
Aldora ------ ------------------------- Wings Women - Greece
Aldous Wealth ---------------------- ------ Male - German
Aldrich King -------------------------- ----- Male - UK
Alena ------- ------------------------ Light Women - Greece
Aleron protective Knights ------------- ------ Male - France
Aleser ------------------------- ------ Male Lion - Arab
Aleta bird Laksana ------- ---------------- Women - Latin
An honest Alethea ----- ------------ Women - Greece
Alexander --- ---------------------- Male Guards - Greece
Alexandra --- ----------------------- waiter Women - Greece
Alfred's wise advice ------------- ------ Male - UK
Alfreda --------------------- ----- Wise Women - Germany
Alger noble soldier ----------- ------- Male - German
Algernon ---- ------------------------- Mustache Men - French
Pray that God kepad Ali --------- ------------ Men - Arab
------------------------- ------- Alice Noble Women - Germany
Beautiful Alida ------------ ------- Apparel Women - Greece
Alim -------- --------------------- Wise Men - Arab
Alima ------- --------------------- Wise Women - Arab
Bright and beautiful Alina ------- -------------- Women - Polish
Alison ------ --------------------- Renowned Women - Germany
Alita ------- ------------------------- Honor Women - Spain
Both the liver --------------------- -------- Aliz Women - Hungary
Aliza ------- ----------------------- Happy Woman - Hebrew
Allard ------ -------------- Noble and brave man - English
Allegra ----------------------- ----- Happy Women - Latin
-------------------------- -------- Alma Soul Woman - Latin
Almeta ------ ---------------------- Ambitious Women - Latin
Women's Empress -------------------- ------ Almira - Arabic
-------------------------- ------ Alodie Rich Woman - the Anglo-Sax
Alona ------- --------------------- Eik Tree Women - Africa
Aloysia --------------------- ----- Renowned Women - Germany
Renowned ---- --------------------- Aloysius Men - Germany
Alphonse Holy Land ---- -------------------- Men - Germany
Alroy Kingdom ------- ---------------------- Men - Latin
Both Altair ----------------------- ------ Star - Arab
Althea ------ --------------------- Healer Women - Greece
Alula ------- ---------------------- winged Women - Latin
Alumit ------ ----------------------- Secret Woman - Hebrew
Alva -------------------------- -------- Fair Women - Latin
Alvin ------- -------------------------- Male Elf - UK
Alvina everyone ---------- ------ Loved Women - Germany
Alysa ------- -------------------- Empress Women - Greece
Alysia ------ ------------------- Impressive Women - Greece
Alyssa ------ ------------------------- Logical Women - Greece
Alzena ------ ------------------------ Women Women - Arab
Amabel to be loved --------- ------ Wonder Woman - Latin
Amabelle to be loved --------- ---- Wonder Woman - Latin
Amadeus -------------- ----- Love of God Men - Latin
Amadi Kegembiran -------------------- ------- Both - Nigeria
Beloved Amadika ---------------------- ----- Women - From the South
Amadis -------------- ------ Love of God Women - Latin
Amado -------------- ------- god love man - Latin
Amador ------ ----------------------- Beloved Men - Spain
Amaia Ended ---------------------- ------- Women - Bask
Charity -------- -------------- Both bright light - Hindu
Amana ------- ------------------------- Faithful Women - Arab
Amanda ------ ------------------------- Love Women - Latin
Amandeep peace -------------- ---- Light Women's - Hindu
Amandine Beloved ---------------------- ---- Women - Latin
Amar forever --------------- -------- For Men - Hindu
Amara ------- ------------------------- Eternal Woman - France
Amarante interest Name -------------------- ---- Women - France
Amaris ------ ---------------------- Renbulan Women - UK
Amaryllis flicker --- ---------------- Women - Greece
Amata ------- ---------------------- Beloved Woman - Spanish
Amato ------- ---------------------- Beloved Men - Spain
Amaya Rain at night ------- ----------- Women - Japan
Amber Sky ------- ------------------------ Women - Hindu
Amberley Sky ------------------------ ---- Women - Hindu
Ambrose ------------------------- ----- Eternal Woman - Greece
Ambrosine ------------------------- --- Eternal Woman - Greece
Amdis ------- ------------------------- Eternal Woman - Latin
Ameerah Consort ----- -------------------- Women - Arab
Amelia flatterer ------ -------------------- Women - Latin
Amena honest Women ------- --------------- Women - Arab
Amery Diligent ------- ------------------------- Male - German
Ames -------- ------------------------- Love Women - Latin
Precious Amethyst ---- -------------------- Women - Greece
Ami Partners ------------------------- --------- Women - Japan
Amina secure -------------------- ------- Peace Women - Muslim
Aminta Protected ------------------- ------ Women - Latin
Prince Amir -------- ---------------------- Men - Arab
Women ------------------------- ------ Amissa Partners - Hebrew
Amistad Friendship ------------------ ----- Men - Spain
Amit end ------------------- -------- Without Men - Hindu
Without limiting ---------------- ------- Amita Women - Hindu
Amitola ----- ----------------------- Rainbow Women - Africa
Amity ------- ------------------ Friendship of Women - Latin
Amon -------- ------------------- Hidden Male - Celtic
Love small Amorette ------------------- ---- Women - Latin
Amorita Beloved ---------------------- ----- Women - Latin
Amory Loving ------- --------------------- Both - Latin
Hard hearts Amos -------- -------------------- Male - Hebrew
Amrit Honey -------------------------- ------- Male - Hindu
Women --------------------- ------ Amrita Immortality - Hindu
Amulya ------ ------------------ Invaluable Male - Hindu
Amy ---------------------- --------- Beloved Women - Latin
An ---------- ------------------------- Peace Women - China
Anabelle ---- --------------- love is worth in Women - Latin
Moon goddess Anahid ------ -------------------- Women - Armenia
Anan -------- -------------------------- Cloud Women - Arab
Anand Happiness ------------------- ------- Male - Hindu
Citrus trees ------------------- ------- Anani Women - Hawaii
Anastasia ------------------- --- Resurrection Women - Greece
Anatole ----- From -------------------- East Male - Greece
Anderson ---- ------- son of Andrew Male - Norway
Andras Breath ------ ------------------------- Woman - Norway
Believed by God Andraya ----- ---------- Women - Norway
Andrea ------ Name women from Andrew ------- Women - Norway
Andreana ---------------- ---- Like the women of Women - Latin
Andreus boy ------------------- ----- Male - Greece
Andrew ------ ------- Males and brave man - Greece
Andria ------------------------- ------ Love Women - Italy
Andromeda --- beautiful girl ------------------ Women - Greece
Anemone Breath ----- ------------------------- Woman - Greece
Angada ----------- ------ Child of Lakshmana Male - Hindu
Angela heavenly messenger ------ --------- Women - Greece
Angelica said Angela -------------- ---- From Women - Latin
Angell heavenly messenger --------- ------ Male - Greece
Angelo heavenly messenger --------- ------ Male - Greece
Angels ------ ---------------------- Angeni Women - Africa
Angevin Angels ---------------------- ----- Women - France
Unique ------- -------------------------- Angus Male - Language Gael
Anieli ------------------------ ------ Male Male - Greece
Anika ------- ------------------ Very beautiful women - Hindu
Anisa ------- ------------------------- Friendly Women - Arab
Place name Anjuman ----- ------------------- Male - Hindu
Anke -------- ---------------------- Women's Award - Hebrew
Anker ------- ------------------------ Male Male - Greece
Ann --------- ----------------- Women's Compassion - Hebrew
Annabelle ------------------- --- Fun Women - Celtic
Annapurna --- One of the Hindu god --------- Women's - Hindu
Anne ------------------ -------- Very friendly Women - Hebrew
Anniruddha - Children of Men Pradyummna ---------- - Hindu
Sincerely ------ ------------------------ Annora Women - Latin
Anoki ------- ------------------------- Male Actor - Africa
Anoop ------ ------- Unable to compare Male - Hindu
Anoush ------------------------- ------ Sweet Woman - Armenia
Ansel Astrologer ------- ----------------------- Male - German
Ansley Pastures ----------------- ------ Male - UK
Anson ------- -------- Child of a noble man - the Anglo-Sax
Prince Antal ------- ---------------------- Men - Latin
Anteia ------ ---------- Wife of Lord of the Sea of Women - Greek
Anthea ------ ------------------ interest Puteri Women - Greece
Anthony ----- ------------------ Invaluable Male - Latin
Women's Gift ---------------------- ------- Antje - Germany
Antoinette - to praise ----------- Wonder Woman - Latin
Antonia ----- ------------------ Invaluable Women - Latin
Anuradha ---- Star bright ---------------- Women's - Hindu
Anusree ----- Very ------------------------ Women - Hindu
Clouds of Heaven Aolani ------ --------------- Women - Hindu
Aphrodite Goddess of Love -------------------- --- Women - Greece
Fun ------ ------------------ Apirka Women - Language Gael
Apolline Sunlight ---------------- ---- Women - Greece
Apollo ------ -------------------- Beauty Male - Greece
Aponi ------- -------------------------- Butterfly Women - Africa
April ------- ------------------------- Blooming Women - Latin
Aquene ------ ------------------------- Peace Women - Africa
Ara eagle ------------------ --------- Women - Germany
Arabelle eagle ------------------ ---- Women - Germany
Araceli Heavenly ------------------ ----- From Women - Latin
Aram High Places -------- ------------ Men - Syria
Araminta Noble ---- ------------------------- Woman - Hebrew
Arana ------- ------------------------- Month Women - Australia
Strong and secure Arashel ----- ---------- Female - Hebrew
Source of inspiration ------------------ ------ Araxie Women - Armenia
Glad to have adventures ------------- ----- Arcadia Woman - Spanish
Archer Jewelry --------------------- ------ Male - German
Prince brave Archibald --- ------------ Male - Anglo-Sax
Ardelia ----- ------------------------- Diligent Women - Latin
Diligent Ardelis ----- ------------------------- Woman - Latin
Ardella ----- ------------------------- Diligent Women - Latin
Ardelle ----- ------------------------- Diligent Women - Latin
Arden Lovingly ------- ------------------- Both - Latin
Ardere ------ --------------------------- Women's Fire - Latin
Ardis ------- ------------------- Eager Women - Latin
Arella ------ ----------------- messenger Woman - Hebrew
Aren eagle -------- ------------------ Male - Nigeria
Ares the war god -------- ------------------- Male - Greece
Beware ------- ----------------------- Argus Male - Greece
Ari --------- ------------------------- Male Lion - Hebrew
Aria -------- --------------- melodious and beautiful women - Latin
Ariadne ----- --------------- melodious and beautiful women - Latin
Ariana ------ ----------------- silver Laksana Women - Wales
Aricia ------ -------------------- Empress Women - Greece
Aricin Prince ---------------------- ------ Male - Norway
Ariel ------- ------------------ female Lion Woman - Hebrew
Ariella ----- ------------------ female Lion Woman - Hebrew
Ariene ------ ------------------ silver Laksan Women - Wales
Arion Music Players ------- ------------------ Male - Greece
Arista ------ ------------------------- Harvest of Women - Latin
Aristo ----------------------- ------ Best Male - Greece
Arjun ------- ------- One of the five Pandavas Male - Hindu
Arkin King -------------------------- ------- Male - Norway
Arland Pledge ------------------------- ------ Male - Celtic
Arleen ------ ------------------------- Pledge Woman - Celtic
Arlen ------- ------------------------- Pledge Male - Language Gael
Arlene ------ ------------------------- Pledge Woman - Celtic
Arley ------- ----------------------- Male Archers - Latin
Arlo -------- ------------------------ Mountain Men - Latin
Armand ------ ---------------------- Men Soldiers - France
Nations Armen Armenia ------- ---------------- Male - Armenia
Armilla ------------------------ ----- Bracelet Women - Latin
Armina ------------- ------ a high degree of Women - Latin
Armon Castle ----------------------- ------- Male - Hebrew
Arnold eagle ------------------ ------ Male - German
Arnon Flow ------------------------ ------- Male - Hebrew
Aroha Love ------- ------------------------- Woman - Maori
Clear Arpiar ------------------------- ------ Male - Armenia
Arsenic ------- -------------------------- Strong Men - Greece
Arsenio ------------------------ ----- Male Male - Greece
Safety ------------------- ----- Artemis Woman - Greece
Arthur Noble ------------------------- ------ Male - eltic
Arthus Bear ----------------------- ------ Male - Wales
Aruna ------- ---------------------- Jets Women's - Hindu
Arvel copious tears ------- ---------- Male - Wales
Arziki ------ -------------------- Women's Prosperity - Africa
Asa --------- --------------------- Woman Healer - Hebrews
Weak graceful Asenka ------ ----------------- Women - Hebrew
Asha -------- ---------------- Women Hoping life - Hindu
Lucky --------------------- ------- Asher Male - Hebrew
Ashish Thanks to God ------------------ ------ Male - Hindu
Ashon boy ------- ------------------- Male - Ghana
Ashutosh ---- --------------------- Male Desire - Indian
Ashwin strong ------ ---------------- Horses Male - Hindu
East Asia ------------------------- -------- Women - Greece
Asija ------- --------------------- Wise Men - Hindu
Asisa ------- ------------------------ Mature Woman - Hebrew
Proud ------------------------ ------ Asmita Women's - Hindu
Aspasia Welcomed ---------------------- ----- Women - Greece
Astera Name ------ -------------------- Women's interest - Hebrew
Astin strong leader ------- ------------ Men - Latin
Both Astley ----------------------- ------ Star - Latin
Astra Women --------------- ------- Like a star - Greece
Astrid ------ --------------- Like the star of Women - Greek
Asuman King -------------------------- ------ Male - Hindu
Asvathama --- Sun ---------------------- Men - Hindu
Asztrik --------------- ----- Wood white man - Hungary
Atara Crown ------- ----------------------- Woman - Hebrew
Athalia ----- --------------- Women's Greatness God - Hindu
Athan Eternal ------- ------------------------- Male - Greece
Women's Wisdom ----------------- ------ Athens - Greece
Athol Place name ------------------- ------- Male - Sotlandia
Atifa ------- ------------------ Compassion Women - Arab
Dear dad Atilla ----------------- ------ Male - Hungary
Atma ------ ---------------- Girls Women - Hindu
Atman own self ------- ------------------ Male - Hindu
Attis ------- ----- Son of men, a handsome man - Greece
Aubree ------ -------------------- Both small Elves - UK
Aubrey small Elves ------ -------------------- Women - Germany
Auburn Fair -------------------------- ------ Male - Latin
Audrey ------ ---------------------- Strength of Women - UK
Audric Wisdom ----------------- ------ Male - France
Audun ------- ------------------ Both Abandoned - Norway
August heralded -------------------- ------ Male - Latin
Augusta Most High ---------------------- ----- Women - Latin
Augustus heralded -------------------- ---- Men - Latin
Aundy ------- -------------------- Women's Prosperity - Norway
Aure breeze Blowing -------- --------- Women - Greece
Aurek ------- ------------- golden-haired man - Polish
Aurelia -------------------------- ----- Gold Women - Latin
Aurelio ----- -------------------------- Gold Men - Latin
Aurora Dawn ------------------------- ------ Women - Latin
Very helpful --------------- ------ Austin Male - Latin
Austine Most High ---------------------- ----- Women - Latin
Wine ------------------- ------ Autumn Winter Women - Latin
A bird ----------------- --------- Ava Women - Germany
Avanti past -------------- ------ From Women - Hindu
Avasa ------- ------------- Free unbonded Women - Hindu
Avena ------- ------------------------ Wheat Women - UK
Aveolela ---------------------- ---- Sun Women - Samoan
Averill ----- ---------------------- Men Soldiers - England
Both Avery ------- ---------------------- Border - Anglo-Sax
A bird Avis -------- ----------------- Women - Latin
Aviva ------- -------------------- Women's Spring - Hebrew
Axel Astrologer ----------------------- -------- Male - Hebrew
Axelia ------ --------------------- Guard Women - Greece
Ayala ------- ----------------------- Goat Woman - Hebrew
Ayame black-eyed ------- ----------------- Women's - Japan
Muhammad wife Ayasha ------ ---------------- Women - Muslim
Ayiana lasting Blooms ------------------- ------ Women - United States
Ayita ------- ----------------------- Workers Women - Africa
Ayla -------- --------------------- Eik Tree Woman - Hebrew
Long-haired Ayushmati --- -------------- Women - Hindu
Earth which Azadeh dry ------ ---------------- Women - Latin
Azalea ------ --------------------- Democracy Women - Arab
Azalia ------ --------- Women's pitied by God - Hebrew
Aziza ------- ---------------------- Valuable Women - Swahili
Azure blue sky ------- ------------------- Woman - Persian
Posted by
sri sultan hamengkubuwono[
Baby food recipes
250 grams of chicken liver
2 apples, peeled, seeded, chopped
1 carrot, peeled and cut into pieces
3 pieces potatoes, peeled and cut into pieces
2 stalks celery, chopped
3 tablespoons green peas
1. Cook all ingredients until cooked.
2. Drain and puree (or chopped finely for children ages 8 months and up)
Baby food recipes
2 pieces of fish fillets
2 apples, peeled, cut into pieces
1. Boil the ingredients until cooked. Drain and puree.
For children 8 months, the food should not be crushed but only finely chopped. It is good to stimulate the growth of teeth and to train the muscles of the mouth and gums to bite.
Baby food recipes
2 stalks carrots, peeled, cut into pieces
2 apples, peeled, cut into pieces
2 pieces of pear, peeled and cut into pieces
1. Kl Boil carrots for 10 minutes, then amsukkan apple and pear. Cook until soft.
2. Drain and puree (or chopped finely for children ages 8 months and up)
BABY FOOD RECIPES - steamed fish
Baby food recipes
1 snapper fillet (or other fish species, according to taste)
1. Steam the fish until cooked and then mashed.
2. Can be mixed with pureed vegetables (carrots, broccoli, etc.).
Baby food recipes
7 broccoli florets, discarding the stem
2 potatoes, peeled, cut into pieces
Chicken broth / meat taste (only boiled water chicken / meat, without salt or other seasonings)
1. Steam the broccoli and potatoes until cooked.
2. Blend the two ingredients with the processor / blender.
3. Give the broth to taste.
Baby food recipes
1 carrot, peeled, cut into pieces
1 piece of potato, peeled, cut into pieces
2 tablespoons green peas (can be replaced other green vegetables, eg broccoli,
zuchini, celery, etc.)
Chicken broth / meat taste (only boiled water chicken / meat, without garammaupun other seasonings)
1. Boiled / steamed until cooked all the ingredients and puree.
2. Give the chicken broth / meat taste.
Baby food recipes
1 piece of chicken thighs, remove skin, cut meat into pieces (bones were not removed)
1 stalk celery, chopped
2 potatoes, peeled, cut into pieces
1 stick carrot, peeled, cut into pieces
2 tablespoons green peas
500 ml water
1. Cook all ingredients until cooked.
2. Discard the chicken bones, then puree all ingredients
Baby food recipes
2 medium carrots, peeled
Boiled water to taste
1. Steam the carrots until tender then puree. Add water as needed.
2. Presentation: Give the carrot puree as single or mixed foods
with pulp POTATO / SWEET POTATOES porridge.
Baby food recipes
250 grams of fresh or frozen peas
1. Boil peas until cooked and then mashed.
2. Strain the rough skin so do not take part inedible.
3. Presentation: Give peas puree as a single food or
mixed with porridge POTATO / SWEET POTATOES porridge.
Baby food recipes
250 grams of chicken liver
2 apples, peeled, seeded, chopped
1 carrot, peeled and cut into pieces
3 pieces potatoes, peeled and cut into pieces
2 stalks celery, chopped
3 tablespoons green peas
1. Cook all ingredients until cooked.
2. Drain and puree (or chopped finely for children ages 8 months and up)
Baby food recipes
2 pieces of fish fillets
2 apples, peeled, cut into pieces
1. Boil the ingredients until cooked. Drain and puree.
For children 8 months, the food should not be crushed but only finely chopped. It is good to stimulate the growth of teeth and to train the muscles of the mouth and gums to bite.
Baby food recipes
2 stalks carrots, peeled, cut into pieces
2 apples, peeled, cut into pieces
2 pieces of pear, peeled and cut into pieces
1. Kl Boil carrots for 10 minutes, then amsukkan apple and pear. Cook until soft.
2. Drain and puree (or chopped finely for children ages 8 months and up)
BABY FOOD RECIPES - steamed fish
Baby food recipes
1 snapper fillet (or other fish species, according to taste)
1. Steam the fish until cooked and then mashed.
2. Can be mixed with pureed vegetables (carrots, broccoli, etc.).
Baby food recipes
7 broccoli florets, discarding the stem
2 potatoes, peeled, cut into pieces
Chicken broth / meat taste (only boiled water chicken / meat, without salt or other seasonings)
1. Steam the broccoli and potatoes until cooked.
2. Blend the two ingredients with the processor / blender.
3. Give the broth to taste.
Baby food recipes
1 carrot, peeled, cut into pieces
1 piece of potato, peeled, cut into pieces
2 tablespoons green peas (can be replaced other green vegetables, eg broccoli,
zuchini, celery, etc.)
Chicken broth / meat taste (only boiled water chicken / meat, without garammaupun other seasonings)
1. Boiled / steamed until cooked all the ingredients and puree.
2. Give the chicken broth / meat taste.
Baby food recipes
1 piece of chicken thighs, remove skin, cut meat into pieces (bones were not removed)
1 stalk celery, chopped
2 potatoes, peeled, cut into pieces
1 stick carrot, peeled, cut into pieces
2 tablespoons green peas
500 ml water
1. Cook all ingredients until cooked.
2. Discard the chicken bones, then puree all ingredients
Baby food recipes
2 medium carrots, peeled
Boiled water to taste
1. Steam the carrots until tender then puree. Add water as needed.
2. Presentation: Give the carrot puree as single or mixed foods
with pulp POTATO / SWEET POTATOES porridge.
Baby food recipes
250 grams of fresh or frozen peas
1. Boil peas until cooked and then mashed.
2. Strain the rough skin so do not take part inedible.
3. Presentation: Give peas puree as a single food or
mixed with porridge POTATO / SWEET POTATOES porridge.